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Everything posted by Sion

  1. Sion

    Wump's Old Warn

    +support All are old
  2. -support Do you want to get unbanned?
  3. -support Reasson above
  4. +support Mature Deserves a chance Seems fit for the job Never had issues with Never seen you on but I'm 5 hours before you so I won't be harsh Good luck Senior Moderator Sion
  5. Sion

    Old Warn

    +support Old warns. Ghostly is serving the country on a 9 week deployment so you won't get his side any time soon...
  6. +/- support If I'm right the car that made off broke priority rules first of all Was Bennet the driver of the car or the admin taking the sit? Story is clear to me however it might not of been to Bennet. But, if he was uncertain he shouldn't of punished you since it could be a false warn.
  7. The account was banned from server. No need to continue with + or -
  8. -support He clearly didn't mean it in a bad way. You were horn spamming and he wanted you to stop. He would of grabbed you to notify you that he is there in the hope you would realise. He held you for around 1 second.
  9. -Support You expect us just to forget the fact that you showed no respect towards Zeeptin and allow you to re-join like nothing happend Ain't gonna happen
  10. -Support - You gave little effort into the application -I haven't seen you in-game a lot - You clearly haven't read the handbook -Staff on another community Personally I don't feel you are ready for staff, when next applying maybe give more time into your application and talk to other staff on TS so they can help you improve on your application Good Luck ~ PRP Senior Moderator Sion
  11. Sion

    Nexieys Ban Appeal

    A person tried appealing a ddos ban and Fame denied for the reasson they don't unban peopl no matter what
  12. +support Mature Active Long time SM Dedicated Deserves LT Goodluck ~ Sion
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