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Everything posted by Sion

  1. -support Advertised application
  2. +/- support Just gonna give a speech... So Steve applied for staff last month and unfortunately it got denied. When the application was up he was active and trying his best to be the best he could. Once it was denied his activity dropped a bit as his he gave up. But, he has now re-applied and that shows he is determined! I feel if Steve improves on activity he is all set for staff! Good luck
  3. TrueNorth Fire Department Application Results of 9/13/2019 Accepted - Denied - cryjay - exeded warn threshold Congratulations! You can obtain your roles via #reaction-roles channel in the EMS Discord (https://discord.gg/GGtG7kS) and you will be contacted by a FTO. ~Battalion Chief A Sion
  4. +/- support +active +friendly +mature -still new to CPT. Could spend more time on CPT
  5. ^ It means being ungenerous with money..... nothing seems racist
  6. Bye nuci wyci Favourite Minge out
  7. -support Player must reach 40 on PRP to be banned.
  8. -support Had some issues Seen him be mingy alot Rearly see on and your in same timezone as me Not ready for staff
  9. 1 thing. How can we revive them if we can't to to them when they are dead....
  10. +support Corn is active, mature and friendly. He is always on and I've never had any issues with him. I feel Corn is ready for Staff Good luck ~ Sion
  11. BTW you need to be a Senior Moderator to dual staff
  12. TrueNorth Fire Department Application Results of 9/6/2019 Accepted - Will -Noot Congratulations! You can obtain your roles via #reaction-roles channel in the EMS Discord (https://discord.gg/GGtG7kS) and you will be contacted by a FTO. ~Battalion Chief A Sion
  13. -support It would be mingy Would do alot more bad than good
  14. That video shows him doing it again and another player dissing?.....
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