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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +support Clear evidence. No excuse in this one
  2. +support At 40 warns and still raking them in..
  3. +support Active Mature Ex-staff Happy (unless someone made him angry)
  4. I'm blind... Fully agree with Maddog.
  5. He closed your CC application because it had 3 pages of comments of people trying to help you make it right but it was still wrong. He is busy and I don't think he has time to read through 3 pages of comments
  6. This should be brought up with command instead
  7. Sion

    Life update...

    @[GL] Mikey I will slap your face with a textbook.
  8. -support If you returned it NLR
  9. Ryan: -broke fearrp -was disrespectful -broke NLR 4 man: Kidnapped with less than 10 PD Kidnapped with building sign Tried to annoy him for his entertainment Personally I feel you two need to grow up and start and be mature. You clearly kidnapped him to wind him up, you just laughed throughout. Grow up and stick apart.
  10. Sion

    Life update...

    @[GL] Joe Mama That just my first year...
  11. Sion

    Life update...

    So, from now to Christmas I got some fake exams to give me a taste and then after Christmas I got fake exams but they count towards final grade. Then May - July I got real exams. I hopefully will return for a bit during easter but will be on weekends only.. I will return full time in Summer for 6 weeks then vanish for another 7 months... Cya there
  12. -support Abuse of power?
  13. A mature human wouldn't join with alts and being racist
  14. -support No effort 16 has 0% effort in it New to forum Still new to community 15 doesn't say why you deserve staff, just gives is a life story
  15. I warned you off duty so I used your name. I warned you for failrp because you repaired your car in a 10-80..
  16. @EnderKnight57 Only HC can remove this strike since Zage gave it... No one can override his decision expect HC.
  17. -support Recently transferred back to PRP. Seemed to of rambled on in 'why do you deserve this' 16 Is very vague and doesn't go into much detail Haven't seen that much on staff
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