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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. @Chad B Just give it to me....I got you. Jk I believe it should be up to the person that wins. ?
  2. Sorry but at this time your being demoted as a MSGT cannot use a shotgun! XD Really tho, don't use that again and that guy go C L A P P E D
  3. Ok, so today I tried out MilRP and I got to say I had the most hysterical moments even when @420 Blackbeard™ can't fly a heli for his life. It was great action and honestly one of the best times I had on GL. But it did not end there...I also tried SCP-RP and OMG its the best thing I have ever tried. It was the most hysterical times I have EVER had on GL and it was a great team effort to escape. And I tried to mop up the floors for SCP-173, when the researchers decided to lock me in there....I died pretty fast. I was on this server for 1 hour and could not stop laughing! But to wrap this up my point is that you don't know what fun ANY server will bring you and I encourage you to try any of these new servers out (Jedi vs Sith too). Great job John and Mike for bringing such great servers to the community of GamingLight, and the rest of the staff team on those servers! ? ~Matthew
  4. This is why I disagree with that. When your on ARU, your doing tactical situations, not doing to main part of PD's purpose. As an SM you need to help/train officers, which is not what your doing on ARU, as your dealing with tactical situations. Also when your on ARU your not talking to officers on what the need improvement on, as your running back and forth between tactical situations. You may talk to them briefly but not really help them fix it. ARU is a great department but I do not believe ARU has anything to do with PD besides your rank. I am not trying to argue with you or Snar , I just hope you see from what I am coming from Army.
  5. -Support You need to improve activity on PD. I personally disagree that ARU counts as PD time. As ARU your not handling officers and training / helping them with normal tasks. "A Long Time" is not the proper answer, give a guess on how much time you've been SM. Now this is why I disagree with that. When your on ARU, your doing tactical situations, not doing to main part of PD's purpose. As an SM you need to help/train officers, which is not what your doing on ARU, as your dealing with tactical situations. Also when your on ARU your not talking to officers on what the need improvement on, as your running back and forth between tactical situations. ARU is a great department but I do not believe ARU has anything to do with PD besides your rank. ~Colonel Matthew
  6. +Support Active In-Game Active on TS Nice Person Respected Member Been Captain For a Good While Good at PD Command Great App. Deserves a Promotion! Good Luck!!! ~Colonel Matthew
  7. Lol, at the start of the vid, he stole my car.....XD
  8. "Excuse me, ummmmm SWAT dude, how do I use this ummmmmmmm mustard gas?" -Support Not needed
  9. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  10. You maybe deserve support but I personally don't see you that much. +/-Support ~Matthew Support+
  11. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  12. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  13. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  14. -Support Protest always go to staff sits for dissing and mic spamming, and mingy. They never end well....
  15. I am really sad to see you leaving. We had great times together, and you'll not be forgotten. I wish that you'll be staying to make even better times on SWAT, but overall your one of the best person I've met here at GamingLight. Your funny and energetic, even though I've asked you many times to get a mic for once, I knew from your personality that your a good person. Thanks for all the help you offer in the SWAT discord and just being kind to people, as some people don't exactly get that. I know that your a kind person and I wish you the best of luck in life, farewell, SWAT SSGT Hannah XL11, CPL Hannah, Head of Insertion Unit, Night Patrol, and bad driving. P.S. Nice shot on that guy jumping in mid-air. I cannot believe to this day you shot and killed him in the head.... ~Matthew ?
  16. +Suport +Biget Ming Everr +ABUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE +Meane Haed +Nota Nioce +Nota Watcha Animez +Remoave Servers Admin XD
  17. +Support Active Mature Great at Command Helpful Good Application Knows PD Rules and Enforces Them Deserver Captain! Overall you deserve the rank of captain! Your one of the best LT's I have seen in the department. Your great at handling situations, and you make sure all the officers that come up to you, are fit for that rank. Keep up the good work! ~Colonel Matthew 1L25
  18. No, your still bad kidd. But really tho, don't spam like you do everyday...
  19. This was the pack I put in the discord, it has all the ranks and high command ones to. +Support @Game Theorist Those are NPC's not player models. Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1167007984
  20. I have a feeling that was @Hannah King driving..... XD
  21. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  22. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  23. Sorry I don't think your ready for support yet. Improve your activity on TS! -Support ~Matthew Support+
  24. Sorry, I do not think your ready for support. I recommend putting more effort into your App. and clear the App. up. -Support ~Matthew Support+
  25. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
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