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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. -Support -No Evidence But I do want to hear from Robby Peppers
  2. Matthew

    Sull LT App

    -Support Activity in-game is bad. Activity in TS is bad. Inactive on training cadets. Inactive on assisting officers.
  3. Anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wait you changed the rules? 4 day left? Spection you violated the rules of the rules not being able to changed for the rules of the rules deep into the rules of the forums of the rules of my rules and everyone's rules also your own rules of the rules into the coding rules back up to the commenting rules to the get what you get and don't through a fit rules of the never change the rules of the rules for the rules of the post and the rules of the rules that made it until the end of the month... lol
  5. +Overall Support Active Mature Professional Friendly Decent App. Helps Officer's Time as LT is low You deserve a chance as Captain! Good luck! ? ~Captain Matthew 1A25
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