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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. +Support Active Friendly Mature Good knowledge of MOTD Good knowledge of Staff Handbook Been Admin for a good time Deserves a chance! Good luck
  2. +Support Active Mature Respectful Good Application Good Knowledge of MOTD Good Knowledge of Staff Handbook Past Admin Good Judgement Deserves a chance! Good luck! -Your Favorite Senior Admin, Matthew
  3. +Support Active Mature Respectful Knows MOTD Rules Knows Staff Handbook Well Low Warns Good Application Great Dude #MyFovoriteDonorMod
  4. +Support Active Mature-ish Respectful Professional Good App Good Experience with MOTD Good Knowledge with Staff Handbook Good Admin Even though a lot of times I want to smack you, I believe you deserve a chance at Senior Admin. Good luck.
  5. +Support Active Mature Respectful Professional Low Warns Good Leader Good App Does Job Correctly Deserves a Chance at Colonel You have proved to me that you deserve the rank of colonel. Good luck! ~Colonel Matthew
  6. +Support I think he should be unbanned BUT his actions still need a punishment(s)! Like a perma staff restriction and or a 1 strike policy.
  7. +Support Semi-Active on PD Fit for command 5 weeks as SM Good Application Command in SS NEEDS TO IMPROVE DRIVING ? Mature Respectful No Warns Good Judgment Is a Tom Tom Deserves a chance! Good luck little tom tom.
  8. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+ Yes he messaged me.
  9. No, from the other staff feedback, I don't feel that your fit for support -Support ~Matthew Support+
  10. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  11. Are you a moderator? @omegarwp
  12. -Support You should stay banned for saying that stuff. I know you feel sorry but actions have consequences. I will maybe +support if you wait another 2 months. Good luck!
  13. +/-Support I want to give you the plus support because of you activity but you do argue to get on duty sometimes! But why do you have my staff rank wrong. ? ??????????????????? Good luck. ?
  14. -Support These ones have the GL logo and it will take WAY to much time to do that.
  15. In-Game Name: Matthew Steam Name: [GL] Matthew SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419477907 Are you a Senior Moderator+? Yes, Senior Admin. How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? 905. How often are you online on the forums? Everyday. What timezone are you in? CST. Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? I want to be more involved in the community. I have helped the community in TeamSpeak and in-game, and I want to help out more than I already have. And this week I saw some unneeded messages in the chat box, and I wish I could do something. But I couldn't, and this is what is inspiring me to make this application to make a difference. I love this community and I would hate to see negative messages show up around the community. I have seen many post that were just unneeded and just flat out hate against the community. And once again I just sat there without doing a thing, because I can’t. And that makes me feel the need of helping out here on the forums. Thanks for reading my application, have a good day and stay safe! ? Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Yes I do. I believe I do because of my experience with staffing, helping in TeamSpeak and reporting to other staff members. I also see where the person is coming from and ask some other staff before making a big decision. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would first start off by hiding their messages and telling them to calm down. Then I would message them (Private Message) the link to the ban appeal section and tell them to follow the format if they thought the ban was unfair. If that did not work and they continued to harass the forums, either shoutbox or forum post, I will continue to hide their post / messages while contacting SMT. I CAN NOT MAKE A POLL BECAUSE OF MY SENIOR ADMIN PERMS ARE MESSED UP Sorry, but have a good day!
  16. +Support Active Mature Professional Deserves a chance Respectful Decent Application Friendly Good luck mate!
  17. +++++++++++++Support Very Active Very Cool Very Mature Very Respectful Former HoS Accepted my Staff App. :0 Did donate more to MilRP than PRP :0 He is NoOne Thoooo ? Good luck, when I was applying for staff I looked up to you as many did too. You were a great HoS and I believe you will bring a lot of professionalism to the staff team and more. You are da best. Good luck! ~Matthew
  18. I just noticed what you had in your rank... ? Pfffffff I can say it...ish
  19. +Support Active in-game Active in TS Mature Respectful Deserves Major Even though sometimes I want to hit you, I will give you this +Support. Good luck. ~Colonel Matthew
  20. -Support I don't see you on SM Not ready of LT I have gotten officers telling me your not professional Don't see you training cadets Don't see you helping officers Overall, I don't think your the best pick, out of the SM's, for LT. Improve overall activity on SM, yes I have seen you in-game and To but on staff. Please do not PM me as I am stating my opinion and it will not change.
  21. +Support Super Active (Please go outside for once) Mature Great Major Does Job Correctly Enough Time Good Application Deserves Colonel Good luck, your one of the best low command members I have seen while being in low command. I really believe you deserve this rank and I hope you get it! Good luck!!! ? ~Colonel Matthew
  22. Yes I believe he will be good at support! +Support ~Matthew Support+
  23. +Support I personally think your a great staff member and you deserve the rank of Senior Moderator! Here is why: active, knows the rules well, great at staffing, mature and respectful. I really hope you get Senior Moderator as I believe you deserve it. Good luck!!! ~Admin Matthew
  24. +Support Active In-Game Active in TS Past PD Command Long time SM Good App. Low warns  Respected Player Good luck! I really want you to come back to PD command!!! You deserve that rank! ? ~Colonel Matthew 1L25
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