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Everything posted by Berserkrpups

  1. Isnt really needed as you guys just had an update
  2. -/+ Support - Shouldn't have used powers off duty - Couldv'e called staff for the situation + The staff member in the report shouldn't have taken it in their own hands (Taken their own sit) + They wouldn't be in the right place to warn for abuse of ULX commands = To conclude this would've gone a lot smoother if you Cryolast spent a bit more time into looking and understanding the ULX commands and how they worked as well as the staff member in question would look over the staff handbook a little more closely into not taking their own sit. Although I can't make this decision and will leave it up to SMT on who will be getting a punishment or getting talked to I wish best of luck for both of you. -Senior Moderator Tony
  3. Sad to see you go Again
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roll Call has ended---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Accepted You will have to get re-trained but if you screw up this time I can't promise a appeal will do you any good
  6. Name: Rank: Call Sign: Steam name: Discord ID Name: This roll call will end 6/2/19
  7. - Support On an rp stand in this it makes sense, but if people are trapped in a cell RDM will occur a lot more frequently and people will leave the server as it would be very boring to the majority of the server.
  8. Last time this happened we had very irresponsible people in positions that had to much power for how they were acting. Plus we didn't have any rule on it if I recall, and this specific training will only be handed out to the people who have good experience, and actual common sense and they will have to apply and be approved by someone of high power. What I am mainly saying is that this won't be an easy thing that everyone and their mother can do this and if seen will be punished severely.
  9. Pending 1. I want to be home first before I make a decision but I will be thinking 2. I finna need a pc for this
  10. Name: Tony Rank: Big Body (Commander) Time (please specify): 5/24 - 5/28 or 5/29 Reason (if private write N/A): Grandparents Note: Conner and Orange are in complete command until I get back I will have access to my phone and I will try and get on every now and then but no promises.
  11. As my trainer told me and how other staff have done it in the past you ARE suppose to take sits while doing events as Staff comes before RP and it wouldn't matter if you are hosting an event at that time you would just have to stop the RP and take the sit like anything else.
  12. -Support Mainly from what Th3 said but research really doesn't need addition to health as they usually don't partake in combat and they take more of the passive rp route.
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