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Everything posted by Berserkrpups

  1. High Command doesn't need that much of a buff you guys aren't really trained in weapon specializations a pistol should technically be your commands primary weapon and mainly nothing else. And having a taser doesn't really seem that needed or having the need to defend yourselves isn't that important as you guys are researchers, not a security force that should be responding to D-Block Riots in an offensive way.
  2. If you become tainted just go to a gym and lift some weights and you should be good
  3. Most of this is noted and one please don't do this it isn't really your place to be telling what branches to be doing what one, infiltrators aren't meant to solo raid as we usually use them to scout into raids as if we allowed them to solo raid it would screw up our raid timer. Our communications are completely fine. At that meeting raid, we don't know when you guys have meetings so we are completely in the dark but I was informed that they were stopped anyway so it isn't that big of a deal. as far as activity goes it is completely fine and just purging the roster constantly isn't something Orange, Conner, and I don't want to do every time we get a flood of recruits. That and we have slowed down training a lot since D-Block has been going to flames. Although thank you on the criticism I would prefer if you not talk about any branch in a negative way though as most of the people in High Command positions kind of already know what is going on within there branch by the book. Thank you for this again
  4. -Support - No Effort at all in the application - Q16 is completely wrong - You can apply for admin you aren't of the right rank and you are not even part of the staff team in the first place - Not enough time on the forums = I highly recommend checking out the staff guidelines here: And the Staff Application Format and look at the requirements of staff:
  5. + Support - Really not that much to do as a researcher in the low defcon levels - Shouldn't have gotten removed in the first place
  6. This has been a suggestion before as in 035 getting access to more areas and getting access to certain points which really isnt needed
  7. +/- Support - The Staff member in my eyes from the story jumped to instantly punishing you Staff doesn't have to jump straight to minging if it wasn't that serious. ^ I will pull a quote directly from the staff handbook clearly stated under the Punishment section: Not all situations require punishments. Some staff may decide to let players off, while others may feel they need to punish. This is the call of the staff member and should be done by a case by case basis. Keep in mind before issuing a punishment that the player may not have known of the rule and did it unknowingly. However other players may have done it on purpose. Also the phrase "It's not in the rules so that I can do it" is not an excuse and is not acceptable. From my point of view, I would have verbally warned you although I understand that it was probably extremely overwhelming to be the only player guarding D-Block which in my eyes is perfectly fine of what you did. - Staff have discretion over some punishments that aren't clearly stated in the handbook = Overall I think that you should be relieved of this warn but you should always double check to see the rules or ask a staff member about what you can/can't do while on a specific job you are unsure about.
  8. 1. There is no need for extra CI Jobs I would make more if I feel like more are needed but that is definitely not needed +Support to the NLR Timers so people would know but it isn't hard to set a timer on your phone or just shift tab and see what time you died at and what time you can leave your spawn
  9. RP Name: SteamID64: Reason of Blacklist: Why should you be unblacklisted? (150 Word Minimum): Any Further Violations of the SOP/Rules will leave you permanently blacklisted from Chaos.
  10. Chaos Insurgency Information SOP ROSTER R&D SOP Delta Command Application FTO Application Discord Invite *Every item listed is subjected to change
  11. A staff member shouldn't be doing this in the first place as it projects a bad light on the entirety of the staff team and makes us lose some of our player base because people might want to not call staff for a major issue just because they don't want to get disrespected or treated unfairly.
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