+/- Support
From looking at this in my opinion and from what hunt said above "Raid cool down is 5 mins" that is for a different base each time. Hunt seems to ahve failed to read the MOTD thoroughly and missed the part where is says 45 minutes/same base and so has broken a server rule. After looking through this thoroughly I have found a few screenshots difficult to read but still valid and a few that are irrelevant such as ones of whom you are speaking to however they do help to show some part of the story.
If I was in the situation where there was a local explosion I would look into it further and scout out the area for any local bases that it could have came from and identify the source but there could have been a crashed vehicle nearby.
Furthemore, Hunt (the player being reported here) has warned them-self for Breaking this rule as shown here : https://gyazo.com/c268c30971e2f8febd8f1e78806e1997.
This member has realised this mistake and I only think they need to re-read the MOTD just to check they know it and I don't think any further punishment should now be issued.