IG Name: Nucleus
Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254845918/
How many warnings do you have: 0
What departments are you in and what rank: None ?
Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum): I would like to become a part of the EMS team, as I have recently noticed that there is not many of those roles taken up on the server and sometimes the EMS is needed in situations. More EMS is needed to create a better balance between all the other jobs as there is always a lot of the major roles eg. Police. As well as this, it saves people paying for a revive when a EMS can pop over and revive them. I believe I would be a good fit into the force, although it has changed a bit since I was last EMS, I could handle it. I used to often play EMS when I could before all the changes happened. To conclude, I am a friendly player who can take on the role to help the general public and others in situations whilst following all the protocols that are in place. I thank you for your time and hope that I will be given the opportunity to show my worth to both the department and the community.
Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did) : N/A