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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. Lmao I just saw this. This is really cool!
  2. +Support Very well done Application. BrycE has been an Admin for 4 months and has learned a lot in that time. He is online just about everyday and is one of the better admins that we have. He is a great Support+ staff member and Forum Diplomat. BrycE in my opinion absolutly deserves Senior Admin. -Good Luck! - Ghostly
  3. +Support McCarty is super active and is on the Teamspeak just about everyday. He's respectful and helps people on CWRP whenever he can. I believe he deserves Support. Good luck! - Ghostly
  4. +Support Logan is an active, mature and very respectful staff member. He's always willing to help anyone out who needs it and I 100% Believe he deserves admin. Good luck! - Ghostly
  5. Need to hear @[GL] Tom side before I + or - support.
  6. HUGE +SUPPORT -Active -Mature -Respectful Tim Brown definitely deserves a shot at staff. He would be a excellent addition to the staff team. Good luck! - Ghostly
  7. +Support I don't believe that "Staff Disrespect and Minge" is a valid reason to perma ban someone and this was over a year ago. He should be unbanned.
  8. He's not even unbanned from the community though. We shouldn't even bring up him getting another shot at staff if he's still permanently banned from the community. I respect you having your own opinion as well but I just don't believe that he should get staff. SMT and Zeeptin banned him for a reason. I do agree that he should be unbanned and be given a second chance, but staff (if at all possible for him) is a long ways down the road (assuming he does get unbanned)
  9. I agree with Tom. Play Poaching is a serious offense in [GL] and Voxis knew that he shouldn't have done it. I do also agree he should be unban tho.
  10. Huge +Support Chad in my opinion is one of the best Admins [GL] has. He is one of the most dedicated staff members and truly cares about the community. He is super respectful to everyone he meets (even if it's minges being disrespectful to him) and acts mature at all times. He has shown that he wants to make the community a better place and has been with GamingLight for awhile now. I can't think of anyone more qualified to be a Senior Admin than Chad and I personally believe that he has earned this rank and deserves it! Good luck Chad! - Ghostly
  11. -Support -Says in the MOTD that EMS is neutral.
  12. +/- Support (Leaning more towards +Support) While I do believe that you are sorry for what you did, player poaching deeply affects the community and many people have done this before. Ultimately I believe that Voxis should get a second chance, however should be Staff Restricted and watched carefully. Good luck - Ghostly
  13. +Support -Active on the forums -Very Respectful -Mature -High post count Matthew is a prime example of what it means to be Senior Admin on the server and is everything I said and more. He defenestly deserves a chance at being a forum diplomat. Good Luck Matthew!
  14. He is a moderator, I’ll answer for him since he can’t respond to his own application. His forums rank just hasn’t been updated.
  15. +Support Although he and Ruthless trolled me when I first got into CloneWarsRP he's very active and would make a good addition to the support staff team.
  16. See ya Velvety, good luck in your future endeavors
  17. +/- Support -Kinda active -Very new to the community and low forums post I personally think that you should wait just a little bit longer. Get your forums post up and get to know people a little more as well as improve your activity. -Ghostly
  18. Agree with Tom Brown. And honestly this could've easily been handled in game. This really didn't require a report on the forums.
  19. Changed to a +Support then. Good luck!
  20. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a great Christmas and a even better new year. This community is something special and love you all (no homo) @Cherry Force @Chad B @gamikzone @Taco. @BrycE ? @Tobizz @Koda @Felix @Rhenic @BUBTHESTUD @Jeffe @Timmemes @Bambob01 @Quaked Here are are some of the people I consider my friends on GL and are the people I’m thankful for! (If I forgot you sorry I’m like half asleep right now) but I hope everyone has a great Christmas! And and of course I’m thankful @SMT for everything they do for the community! @[GL] Phill = best SNR Mod
  21. Lmao there always needs to be 1 staff on #Dedicated #Motivated #GMODisLife #WorkDontStop #GrindDontStop
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