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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    D class riots

    Like that idea ^^
  2. Also as Th3 said, considering its Castro's first day or two as a staff member he shouldnt be automatically removed off staff for an allegation like this
  3. +support For them bountiessss
  4. +support Meets requirements
  5. +support Was killing him for the printer not for him running into PD
  6. Phil

    Irwin's Old Warns

    +support even if he still does it ;)
  7. Phil

    Another False Warn

    +support once shot he was no longer under fearRP
  8. damn bruvva its sad how this turned out i will truly miss ya mate made my experiences on GL fun and memorable and one of the reasons why i came back
  9. -Support Didn't follow the format Last warn was on the 16/04/19 and I warned you 2 days prior to that Need to wait 2 weeks from your previous warning to appeal warns that are old
  10. Phil

    CHIKENs Ban Appeal

    Free My boy Chiken a changed man and has improved a hundred times than how he was anyone but those that hold grudges can tell you that to even prove that he got into SRT who aren't into letting minges into their department, if SRT a highly respectable department I might add can see that Chiken is a changed man and along with testimonies by other players and staff it's shown he has changed. +SUPPORT FREE MY MANS
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