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Everything posted by Phil

  1. For future and current members of GSC ive made a CC thats available for non leadership family members, additions to the CC(players being added, weapons etc etc) will still need to be approved by me , those being added to it the name of it will be Grove street Crips Member and its model is CJ from GTA San Andreas. CC will also have some updates to it in the coming weeks which i will update accordingly in discord If you'd like to be added messaged myself or @PXRPs
  2. whats your ign? Im on rn
  3. Warn appeal was accepted but still have the warns even after i followed instructions
  4. Grove Street Crips are moving into Rockford looking to get on the streets and claim the streets as ours and show the Bloods that the GSC* and other crips are here to run these streets Rules Of Grove Street Crips G.S.C 1. Do not be undercover with family name doing so will get you blacklisted 2. Do NOT minge(try to follow the rules, deliberate breaking of rules will result in a strike/removal from gang depending on serverity) 3. Disrespect to higher ups will result in punishment/strike depending on serverity 4. Never be friendly to a blood or the 5-0 but be atleast respectful to a fellow crip 5. Always keep in mind to stick to gang roleplay(Don't use racial terms it's unacceptable in any circumstance) 6. To join you will be jumped into the gang as part of the initation process if you Recieve 3 strikes you will be removed to apply comment below or message/see myself or @PXRPs (North) Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15XDPVx16izToUQi9I8brdSyxohqiDA2WneFN348keE4/edit?usp=sharing Discord: https://discord.gg/RMXNYHs *while being predominantly a Crip focused family your not expected to be in the "Crip" job
  5. Phil

    KOS enough?

    reckon you could tell its kos?
  6. thank you for that Hannah really appreciate it shes not wrong in the slightest
  7. I really hate asking for help in any other time but any help is great, im staying with my parents which im glad they live in the same city as me else id be homeless right now and turned the baby on to see if she works and shes alive thank fuck
  8. Things were going good but took a turn for the worst. So after checking out my stuff further i thought i could salvage my bed and chair but both had mould growing so getting rid of both all in all ive lost all my furniture, bed, desk, chair, cupboard and dresser. Housemate lost more as well as the fridge and washing machine, we've lost the house too as real Estate is terminating the contract as it isnt fixable on top of all that cant get flood relief grant as parents put me down as a dependent and its a one of payment for all of the grants they have tough time for me atm but one of my mates is a absolute legend and sent me some money to keep me going so theres that
  9. -support Little to no effort in app One of the mingest players on POLICERP ive seen him rdm people for no reason other than he was bored Said i had "big ghey" But forreal big +support logan is one of the best admins ive had the pleasure to have dealings with and know, he leads by example and is a credit to the staff team
  10. I really do appreciate the offer, my PC from the looks of it is fine. As for household goods real estate is putting it in their insurance so we're good
  11. Great news and some bad news Was able to get to my place, house did get flooded but only around ankle deep so PC is safe but bed, couches, cupboards, carpet in the 2 bedrooms, maybe fridge and washing machine(wont know till power comes on in my suburb), rug and a few other things are water damaged
  12. Some good news Im still alive, the heavy rain from the monsoon has headed down more south we are still expected to get some rain but not as bad as it has been like last week, once the roads are clear enough gonna drive by my place and see what the damage is and I'll update with pictures if and when i can
  13. Phil

    Ban Appeal

    I came because you asked to check your post and i am giving it a nice big ole -support ontop of what igneous has said xx
  14. +support Biggest minge xdxdxd
  15. Well they reckon the heavy rains will end around Thursday and probably a week or so after that for the waters to go back to being somewhat normal but they really dont know
  16. Still alive! Well atleast i think so ??
  17. Someone posted up on FB what my street looks like, guys im absolutely devastated and if it gets worse i have no doubt I'll have lost everything i own PC included to the flood damage All i'll have left is my car, phones and a bag of clothes if the floods are as bad as it looks fuuuuck dudes
  18. Pretty sure this was one of the main reasons why kicking afks got denied as well -support
  19. Love ya too homie ❤ Well we left the evacuation centre and returned to my mates place to make room for other families(mates place was unaffected thankfully even after the warnings) so just chilling out another couple days and rains should clear up hopefully able to return home in another day or two
  20. Damn no shoutout I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME Sad to see you go bro gonna miss ya
  21. Update#2 Heading to evacuation centre after mayor/army/police said the suburb and surrounding areas need to evacuate now Seeyall when i can come back on
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