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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    Felix Old Warning

    +support Old warns are old and he's a changed man
  2. +support Warns are old and deserve to be wiped
  3. Your In-game: Phil GSC Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The admin's name in-game: Meh Rose, Dillon Barnes The admin's steam name (If you know it): Dunno sorry What warning did you receive: ARDM, Att.RDM Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Attached Why do you think this warn was false: Not false just old Any extra information: N/A
  4. Phil

    Naruto's Ban Appeal

    If what voxis says is true then I'll have to go with -support As well
  5. Phil

    Recent Actions

    Takes alot to admit that smoke, good on ya mate sure all will be forgiven
  6. Damn tis a sad day ruinz is goneski :( I will miss all the times you mugged me when I was just a wee little minge
  7. +support still does it ;) but these be old warns and should be removed!
  8. -support Just lol, Chiken is one of the most active player on this server while he does have alot of warns as stated before most are from years ago which shouldn't be used against him now(hurry up and get rid of em Chiken you minge) This honestly just seems your going after him and witch hunts against players never goes down well, all in all Chiken has gotten 110% better and has even been alooked to join SRT which further shows he's improving.
  9. Think there was a suggestion regarding this that got denied a little while ago not to sure but if it works +support
  10. Whether or not it was your brother or you who used your account your responsible for it unfortunately.
  11. ^^ Wait out the 2weeks, come back and start fresh and rethink your actions that led to this
  12. May of been 4months since your blacklist, but 8days since your last appeal got denied. I'm not going to comment further on this as I do believe this isn't a accident or of a name being swapped around or whatever, as eternity stated smt wouldn't accidentally blacklist you then deny your appeal https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/38796-unban-appeal/ It's still a -Support
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^ especially when your blacklist appeal got denied just 8 days ago
  14. Need goats side but even still as a moderator he shouldn't of warned a senior moderator without a SA+ approval in either case
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