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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Seeya when you come back matey
  2. Phil

    D class riots

    As stated its a suggestion they don't have to be those certain jobs but considering both have Expert or Pro you'd think they have a bit more brains than the average D class(rp wise) and have keypad crackers making them seem more of a leader for a riot than your average D class So staff go about enforcing the rules? Whenever I'm on staff I barely if ever leave D block because of GenSec complaining about constant rioting that last for hours on end, RDM calls with D class killing other D class, Researchers complaining they can't RP, D class calling sits for RDM because a lock down has been in place ETC ETC. It's not hard to control what goes on ingame specially if you had out punishments that fit the situation. RP in LCZ needs to continue instead the hours on end rioting that GenSec leave the server because of it, atleast in this way it's something Staff can control.
  3. Difference is his was from 2017 whereas yours are from last year all not a year old but I dunno the warn from within the 2 weeks does go against appealing warns that are older than 3months
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong but in order to appeal old warns you must A. Not be warned in 2weeks which it hasn't been 2 weeks since your last warn as I was the staff who warned you and B. Can only appeal 1 or 2 warns that over 3months old And then it repeats itself If so soz chief it's a -support from me
  5. Phil

    D class riots

    how about: In order to call for a Riot, you must be D Class Expert(or D Class Pro) and need to have 3 others(of any D class class) with you to be able to call for a Riot once called everyone else may join in. Riots may only Last 10mins and have a cooldown of 20mins after Riot timer has completed, Riot leader must Advert Riot to start it off with the other 3 adverting assists and must advert riot over once 10mins over, staff on duty/off duty may be able to keep an eye on the times between riots, failure to comply with it results in punishment up to staff members discretion
  6. Phil

    D class riots

    I've quoted someone before but im gonna add onto it Something really needs to be done while I do see the fun in rioting and trying to escape as a D class what isn't fun for GenSec and Researchers and the like is when there is a riot lasting an entire day making rp non existent for the departments in LCZ and then any SCP since D class rioting means a lock down or a change in defcon where researchers cant take a D class to test on with a SCP not only do you have GenSec complaining about lack of RP and hating the constant rioting you'll have Researchers and SCPs complaining since they can't rp their roles/get to do something other than wait till D class/CI breaks them out Also to counter the whole "oh but GenSec have guns so they should be able to take care of the riots" GenSec also have NLR timers which for the most part they obey and then some meanwhile D class is just a never ending wave upon wave of people chipping away at GenSec and as stated before it's basically TDM when there's a riot and usually lasts for hours on end.
  7. oof bruvva know how painful a broken rib or two can be but 15? Crikey mate take care and enjoy them painkillers
  8. Crips wouldve won of course (if not they wouldve if i was on with my other GSC)#GroveStreetCrips4life
  9. ^^^ he might be a minge but he's our minge and a fantastic staff member who without a doubt is a credit to the staff team
  10. Might have to extend a few Days after awaiting next week's roster which might include a few 12hr shifts I'll find out soon and update when I can
  11. yoooo hells yeah bruvva glad to see you coming back missed ya man
  12. Name: CI LCPL Phil XA14 Rank: LCPL Time (please specify): 28/04/19-5/5/19 Reason (if private write N/A): just got a 85hr roster for work this week may come on every so often but will probably be asleep for most of it
  13. Looks pretty good can't wait to see it in place
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