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Everything posted by Dane

  1. +support Active in-game and in TS. Application is good. Friendly towards other players. Mature and professional. Forums activity needs improvements. Has experiences on Garry's Mod Staffing. Deserves a chance. overall, I think Razonix is fit for staff and deserves a chance on becoming one. I see that he is doing well in terms of activity and not breaking any rules, and I think he would make a good staff member. Best of luck.
  2. necroing old posts i see
  3. Best of luck. -Colonel Dane
  4. +Support Activity in-game is decent. Activity on TS is good. Application is decent but could use more effort. Assists officers in need. Activity on training cadets needs improvements. Professional and mature. Overall, Jeff deserves a chance on being part of PD Command. I see him doing well nowadays and I can safely say that he has improved after his Command application has been denied several days ago. Anyways, good luck Jeff. -Colonel Dane
  5. +Support Activity in-game is good. Active on training cadets. Active on assisting officers. Application is well done. Professional and mature. Could use more time as a SM. Overall, I think Chad deserves a spot on Command. I think he is doing well as a SM, and 2 weeks is pretty okay, but I think more would have been better. Anyways, the application is good and I think he deserves a chance. Best of luck. -Colonel Dane
  6. +Support Activity is pretty good but could use improvements. Activity on training cadets is pretty great, just needs improvements. Your attitude has been doing fine, but keep improving it. Assists officers in need often. Application is good but could use more effort. Overall, if you do get Lieutenant, please. Please improve your overall attitude, and try not to minge around sometimes. I still see you getting angry towards others sometimes, but I don't really see that a lot nowadays, that's good, keep improving that. Other than that, good luck. -Colonel Dane
  7. +Support Activity in-game is good. Activity in TS is decent. Activity on the forums needs some improvements. Application is good, but would be better if there is more effort. Mature and respectful. Has good judgement. Fit for staff. Overall, Toxitman deserves a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP Staff team. I see that he is doing well and I think that he would make a good staff. Good luck.
  8. +Support Active in-game and in TS. Always professional, always mature. Great supervisor. Application is pretty decent. Assists officers in need. Friendly towards other officers, and is approachable. I do believe that Tom Brown deserves a spot on Captain. He is active on the server and plays Lieutenant often, and I do think that he is fit for the Captain rank! Best of luck, Tom. -Colonel Dane
  9. Dane

    Staff Report

    +Support Reasons already stated by tcoops, clearly needs to be dealt with ASAP. Removal from his Donor Moderator rank is pretty acceptable.
  10. +Support Active in-game and in TS. Professional and mature. Experienced staff member. Former Super Admin on PoliceRP. Was a good staff member. Application is decent. Friendly towards other players. Knows the rules pretty well. Fit for staff. Overall, Kitty deserves a chance to get back into the GL PRP Staff team! She was a great former Super Admin before and it would be great to have her back as a Staff member! Best of luck, Kitty! -Senior Moderator Dane // Colonel Dane
  11. Would love to see you back as a PD Command! -Colonel Dane
  12. +Support Activity in-game and TS is decent. Professional and mature. Nice and friendly. Assists officers and supervises them correctly. Application is good but would be nice if there is more effort. Good enough time to apply for Major. Fit and ready for the Major rank. We are currently lacking Majors right now and it would be great if we have more Majors. Best of luck. -Colonel Dane
  13. -Support Reasons stated above, copying someone else's application.
  14. so this is what valk looks like please dont take that seriously
  15. Let's not argue in this post. OP: +Support. I'd say remove most of the addons that aren't really necessary for the server anymore.
  16. +Support Active in-game and in TS. Professional and mature. Application is decent. Friendly towards other officers. Helps and assist officers when they are in need. Good enough time to apply for Captain. Fit for the rank. Overall, Felix is fit for the Captain rank and deserves it. I see him doing a great job while he is on duty, and I do believe that he will make a good Captain of Police. Best of luck. -Colonel Dane
  17. Sad to see you go, good luck in the future.
  18. +Support Very active in-game. Very active in TS. Very professional, and mature. Friendly and nice, approachable. Assists and helps officers when they are in need. Good enough time to apply for Major. Fit for the rank, and deserves it. Very professional application, has a lot of effort in it. Overall, Hooplaa is fit for the Major rank! I see him doing exceptional work in PD, and we are currently lacking any Majors. Best of luck my guy! -Colonel Dane
  19. Very helpful, much appreciated.
  20. Sad to see you go, good luck in the future.
  21. +Support Active in-game and in TS. Very active on the forums. Application is really decent. Mature and professional. Attitude has improved. Friendly and nice towards other. Active on staff. Has been a Senior Moderator for a while. Overall Munchies is fit for the Admin rank! He has been showing great work to the staff team and I think that he is ready to move up to the Admin rank! Best of luck, Munchies! -Senior Moderator Dane
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