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Everything posted by Dane

  1. -Support I don't see you on much Application could use a bit more effort No poll in application I don't think you are ready for command yet I don't see you training cadets or helping officers much Overall, I don't think you are ready for the command spot yet. Improve your activity and put more effort in your application, show other command members that you are ready for the rank and you want to be part of PD command. Good luck.
  2. +Support Very cool and friendly guy, knows how to roleplay situations out and was a really really active staff member, and he also knows what decision to make. He knows well on what he is doing as a staff member, and he knows the rules very well. I would love to see him back as a staff member again!
  3. +Support Adds a lot more roleplay and could bring some activity towards judge jobs. It could also make the department more serious and professional. I've had a court case earlier and I wasn't really satisfied with it as they weren't really doing their job seriously.
  4. -Support I don't really see you on that much I still see you breaking rules / minging around Application could use a bit more effort Kind of high warns I usually see you not roleplaying situations out Overall, unfit for staff I suggest you get more people to know you and be nice to them, and I suggest you to stop breaking minor rules, and not break out of character in a middle of an RP situation. Good luck in your staff application though.
  5. +Support Sorry Jeff, I have nothing against you and I still like you but I think you should have done a harsher punishment towards the player. The player has no intention to role play, wasting our time and decided that it would be the best idea to shoot everyone that was involved in the traffic stop after it has gone for about 3-5 minutes. He also called all six officers that was involved in the traffic stop "mentally retarded". We were giving him respect and speaking to him with manners, not until he decided to call us that. I was pretty offended that he called me and my officers mentally retarded, and I think that he should have been given a warn so that it will taught the player a lesson to not do it again. Jeff, you are a great staff member and I hope you can improve from your mistake. I hope you understand that I am only voicing my opinion and that I'm not saying that I don't like you just because of this.
  6. Sad to see you leave the community. Best of luck in your future endeavors!
  7. Dane

    Staff App. 3rd

    -Support I don't see you in-game that much I don't see you in TeamSpeak that much High amount of warns Application could use a bit more effort Overall, you deserve a chance, but I just don't think you are ready for staff yet. Improve your activity and put more effort in your application. Good luck though.
  8. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak, forums activity could improve Former staff member on PoliceRP Did a great work when he was a staff member Mature and professional at handling situations Application is decent with great amount of effort Overall, Jakeee deserves a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP staff team again! Best of luck with your app.
  9. Name Captain Dane 1D66 SteamID STEAM_0:1:79212461 Current Rank Captain How Long You Have Been In Your Rank? 6 Weeks / 1 Month and 11 Days Rank Wanted Major How Many Warns Do You Have? 2 Warns Do You Have A Working Microphone? Yes, I do and I use it everyday every time. Permission Assistant Chief Bob Bob, Deputy Chief Kitty Why Should You Be Promoted? I think that I should be promoted to the Major rank because I think that I am ready for the rank. I have been very active ever since I got Captain, whether it is on the forums, in-game or in TeamSpeak, and I feel like the Police Department is lacking Majors. I would usually hop on Captain whenever I get on the server, and go supervise PD units. I have always made sure when I got to PD Command that my goal is to make PD much more smooth, betterer and out of minges. I have been working hard to do that everyday to make sure that PD is betterer. Ever since I got Captain, I have been hosting meetings either once a week or once per two weeks. Most of the meetings I hosted have been informing about the do’s and don’t do’s, and I even usually get command members to speak on the meeting. Ever since I have been a Lieutenant, I have been supervising my units and made sure that they are doing their job correctly, and I am always available to them if they are asking me something. I think that I am mature, calm and collect, professional and capable of handling the Major rank. I’m always trying my best to show my officers how to do their job correctly and professionally, and if they are not doing their job correctly and professionally, I would speak to them and tell them calmly to not do it again and improve from their mistake. I will try and always be a great role model for my lower ranking officers, and I will keep showing other officers how to become a professional, respectful and mature officer. I will try my best on helping the PD to become more active and make all officers happy, I am not giving promotions easily but I will also give officers some task on what they should do to get promoted. I will always keep listening to my superiors, and I will help them when they need something. I will show my superiors respect and friendliness, and helping them with the best of my ability. I will keep PD out from corruption, and try dealing with those who are trying to be corrupt. I will take complaints from other officers and listen to them correctly on what they are reporting, and then I would deal with the situation correctly and make a decision that is right and fit for both sides. I will also help other low commands if they need help with something. My goal to apply for PD Command is to be more professional, to help PD more and most importantly for the responsibility, not to abuse the powers I get. I will try using the powers that PD Command gave me to the best of my ability. I’m always professional at handling situations, and I am always calm at it. I am not the type of person to go mad at something minor. If there are no Sergeants to train, I would train a cadet myself and give them a short but detailed training session. You wouldn’t really see me much as I am in a different timezone which is GMT+7, I usually would get on when it’s night for most people that live in the US/UK, and when there are few admins and a lot of rule breakers on. Being a Major would be an honor for me as I have not seen any Majors for the past few weeks. I think the Low Command needs more Major as the PD is lacking Major and I am willing to take the spot of Major. I think that I am ready and capable to handle this rank. I think that my spot is great for great Lieutenants out there who wants to apply for Captain, if I do get up to Major. I will always continue to be a great leader and role model, and I am never going to ever back stab or betray the Police Department. You Agree That Complaining Or Breaking Any Rules Put Down By High Command Will Result In Your Complete Removal From PD Command? Yes, I fully understand and agree.
  10. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak Forums activity needs to improve Professional and mature when he roleplays Application is pretty decent Low warns, shows that he doesn't break rules a lot Willing to learn on how staffing on Garry's Mod looks like Friendly towards other players Overall, I do believe you deserve a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP staff team. Best of luck!
  11. -Support No effort in application and I barely see you in-game.
  12. Sad to see you go. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and see you around!
  13. Sad to see you go man. Best of luck in your future endeavors!
  14. +Support As what ArmyGuy said, I suggest you should not disrespect any staff members anymore. And if you didn't know, the Community Director position was an EMT position, he was allowed to take his own sits.
  15. +/- Support I do think that a permanent ban is a very harsh punishment for them. I think an acceptable punishment would be a 1 or 2 weeks ban. The evidence shows a lot of things, and I also do see them minge on the server a lot.
  16. +/- Support Active in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums Has experiences on staffing Question 15 is answered pretty decently High amount of warns Application could use a bit more effort especially at Question 14 I see you sometimes minging around Overall you deserve a chance on becoming a staff on PoliceRP. But I think you should overall put more effort into your application, especially at Question 14. And, you should also not minge around too much. I usually see you breaking some minor rules like for example copbaiting and not pulling over (doesn't want to roleplay). Best of luck on becoming staff though.
  17. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak Application is decent with great amount of effort Long time member of the community Has experiences on Garry's Mod staffing Nice towards other players Overall, John Kyle deserves a chance on becoming a staff on PoliceRP. Best of luck!
  18. -Support I see you on the server, but not that much Forums activity needs to improve Application could use a bit more effort I see you on the server and you seem to be nice to others. But I do not think you are ready for staff yet. I think you should improve your activity and be known by other players, and especially work on your forums activity by posting more stuff on the forums. Best of luck!
  19. -Support You're pretty new to the community and Question 15 isn't answered correctly, and also Question 14 needs a lot more effort. I suggest you improve your activity and be known to the community, and put more effort to your application. Another advice to you is that you should see how our staff handles admin situations as it will be helpful for you if you are the one that is going to handle an admin situation. If you think you have done all these, then you should re-apply again later on. Best of luck.
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