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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2018 in all areas

  1. I was spectating the bank raid (because I had to talk with Noot about something) @noot dropped you the money, you then refused and said the money was fake. Bank robbery finished, you guys grabbed the money than killed Noot and the hostage was still there This is why everyone compalins that there is no RP Denied
    2 points
  2. Fog was removed, we have other plans now
    1 point
  3. Uhhh... You focus on RolePlay (just like SS) I value RP and I feel like our 2 departments really value RP which is why I do respect you guys. ?
    1 point
  4. Well at this point I feel like the gasser is controversial and most likely not going to happen considering how long it’s been discussed. I always liked the idea of having a SGT + specific rank that combines the breacher and sniper, considering most if not all Supervisors already have access to both. It would make us a tad bit stronger whilst giving lower ranks more encouragement to progress through the ranks with the added convenience. To other existing classes such as breacher, I feel an added charge would make sense in terms of balancing out the 3 fading doors rule, and for snipers as to not leave them in the dust might I throw in the idea as a back line medic role, tending to those who made it out of the situation in a poor condition. If you want me to go into more detail as to why I feel these changes would be balanced I would be happy too. Just in class right now and can’t type a whole essay.
    1 point
  5. +Support - Active - Mature - Was previous staff - Good app. Good Luck! ~ Joe Mama
    1 point
  6. +Support Active in-game. Active in TS. Active on the forums. Application is decent. Professional and mature. Friendly and respectful. Knows the rules very well. Former staff member. Has experiences on staffing. Overall, Tom Brown deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team again. He was a great asset to the staff team and I would be happy to see him back as a staff member. Best of luck, Tom!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. +/- support Kinda active Pretty chill guy Smart when it comes to rules ~Get more active in game
    1 point
  9. However warns to me don't mean that much, I think I have about 19 Everyone learns
    1 point
  10. Accepted Player will be issued with a 3 week ban (When I get on)
    1 point
  11. +Support Semi-Active Ingame Was staff here before Fantastic staff member when he was staff a while ago My only advice is to try and get a bit more active in game. I do see you but it isnt alot. Good luck! ?
    1 point
  12. Idk swat is getting pretty strict and serious
    1 point
  13. I ThinK State Troopers HaS SoME Of THe BeSt Rp OuT THere WiTHin aLL DePaRtMeNtS
    1 point
  14. Hey you're entilted to your own opinion and I'm entilted to my own opinion, don't call me "rude" because of what I see from Ruins, I'm going to leave it there Don't call me rude
    1 point
  15. +support But you do need to work on being more mature
    1 point
  16. +Support Active Mature & Respectful Application is well made Active on duty Deals with situations very well Has been an Admin for a long time Deserves superadmin!
    1 point
  17. + Support Helps/trains Officers Mature Active in-game/ts Friendly I think that Jeff deserves a chance at CPT. Good luck!
    1 point
  18. I Just found out my dad lost his job and we will have to move but where we go there will be no internet so I guess this is my goodbye
    0 points
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