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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Please do something about targeting.(Not going to start and argument or ruin my reputation but) Snar/SMT said "They want to make GL servers into safe spot" but in reality there are people in the community who are getting targeted constantly! One way to make GL a safe place is to stop this. The people who really get targeted are the younger ones and if the younger people don't feel like there safe then they'll leave which you guys don't want. What i'm trying to say is please do something about targeting maybe ban them for a week or crack down on these kinds of things please. Thank you for reading this if you are. P.S. Don't take this in a bad way just trying to get my honest feelings out there
    2 points
  2. Hello Nimo, While I can not speak for everyone; I will say that I and other members of the Senior Management Team have made great strides to remove this behavior from this community. As you have even stated, Snar did address the issue. Not to say that him acknowledging the issue is the only step in this difficult process. I on multiple occasions have addressed and chastised the toxic type of behavior and currently attempting to enforce rules to counter act these actions. I can speak for all members of the Senior Management Team when I say that we completely denounce any type of bullying that takes place on any of our servers no matter the reasoning. If anyone has any questions about my statement I would be more than happy elaborate. Thank you for restating this issue and I hope you have a lovely day! Respectfully, Manager John
    2 points
  3. +support Great bloke and always ready to sort dramas out no matter where they arise
    1 point
  4. +Support Active in TS. Mature and professional. Application is well made. Friendly staff member. Knows what he is doing. Jake deserves a chance on being a Support staff. Best of luck!
    1 point
  5. +Support TS activity is pretty decent. Mature and professional. Application is decent. Overall, Tom deserves a chance on being a Support Staff. Best of luck!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. R.I.P Chiken He died to lack of garrys mod 1534-2018
    1 point
  8. Imma quote this and let people and yourself see the irony what you just said. And where did I say I disagree with you. Indirectly, I agreed with you and thus I and others reported you when you were nothing but a bully toward a lot people as LT or did you suddenly forgot that? That why your attitude changed a bit. Let me define bully for you " a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. " And that what you exactly did. And, it great you change your attitude but you better read carefully next time and have a better attitude next time. The situation about Zayn he got banned for temporary for staff dissing and spamming. Then he used alt account to go back into gaminglight which is then a perma ban. The situation about RyanTheEpicGuy he never got banned but exaggerated minor situations onto himself. I'm ok with Ryan but he did this to himself. People like yourself in this community don't understand the difference between opinion and disrespect shows clearly you have a lot to learn in life.
    1 point
  9. That why I reported you Finch in the first place. And the situation about Zayn and RyantheEpicGuy are massive difference than any situation you just described. And About Valk omg he deserves every little means words that get to him because he is a bully himself and everybody knows that. Other than that, everybody better get some kind of recording software. There is no excuse anymore these days. Recording software has very little impact on performance unless you on only CPU which is unplayable for Garry mods anyway.
    1 point
  10. Umbrella Corp always welcomes all young ones as long they are mature and have a good attitude. And I make sure they are not bully within Umbrella Corp and TBH everyone is having fun young and old. And I love the way Umbrella Corp became.
    1 point
  11. Forums rules - "Use the @ feature to tag staff in posts. - Warn/Ban"
    1 point
  12. + Support Active staff member who is ready for the next move in staff!
    1 point
  13. Nimo, I totally agree with what you said. The younger gamers in our community are constantly being targeted or disrespected solely for the reason that they have a high pitch voice. I have heard “Why is a 5 year old PD Command” and “Who let a squeaker become staff” and many more disrespectful comments to the younger players. It is disgusting. On top of that, the player usually gets off with a verbal warning and I feel there should be more consequences than a verbal warning. The more the younger players get disrespected the less enthusiasm and urge they have to play GL.
    1 point
  14. +Support - Professional - Knows TS well - Well written application - Will be a great support staff team member
    1 point
  15. Send help I've lost to many brain cells
    1 point
  16. DENIED You are a purely disrespectful individual and one that doesn't deserve to play on our servers with the attitude you have. You constantly harassed one of our players (Yobo), and in turn, tried to use that harassment against him in this report. Your actions are disgusting, which is why I will be issuing you with a 1 week ban for harassment. Yobo did absolutely nothing wrong in either of these videos, and the only way he would of done something is showing a reaction to the harassment you and your friends were giving him. Luckily, he is mature enough to hold himself in, and not show an immature reaction to an immature group of people. Yobo will not receive any sort of punishment
    1 point
  17. -Support -In the beginning you guys plan to RDM someone in spawn because “the server it gonna crash anyways” -The only people minging in these videos are you and your friends -You constantly harassed Yobo -Honestly you and your friends deserve the punishment of not a ban then a minge -Nor
    1 point
  18. -Support -I mean at the start of the first video, you guys are talking about RDM, and how staff is watching so you. -You have little to no intention to role play, and love to waste staffs time. -You guys are minges, love to camera spam, and harass players of the community. -You clearly targeted Yobo with the intention to make him loose his cool. -You're disrespectful. Is this some type of joke or something? You clearly harassed him into making him loose his cool. You deserve a minge or ban for your actions. You sat there being a total minge and harassing one single player to the point where he could barely control him self, not cool at all, i hope you deserve the proper punishment for your actions.
    1 point
  19. sorry but voxis doesn't abuse his power and if you got proof there is a staff report option don't just make false clams because he -support you this is the last time i'm replying too this
    1 point
  20. Bringing other people into the argument, eh? Make a staff report if you want to. There is no way in hell Voxis would abuse his powers. For the ban request, - Support. You were obviously being obnoxious and trying to get a reaction. Not cool.
    1 point
  21. In the videos you were clearly harassing Yobo. This should be evidence to get you warned. -Support
    1 point
  22. Well boys I may or may not have thrown my computer out my window And it may or may not have hitten a car but let’s just say I don’t have my computer Anymore and I don’t know when I’ll be getting it back. Making this post so nobody thinks that I’m dead Amen praise god whos cutting the onions ?
    0 points
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