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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2018 in all areas

  1. I mean, no one is, they just see me as a good supervisor of state, let the have freedom of speech
    3 points
  2. @The Echo Add poll choice for armyguy I want that option
    2 points
  3. Few things: A. https://gyazo.com/4f45b2885b0683129fb7dede69ccc133 I see lots are commenting about him just telling the police to leave in this case "F off", He is an SGT in CERT that is a respected rank when I look at a department as high as CERT I would expect the highest level of professionalism and maturity. He shouldn't be saying such hurtful things to PD whom by my guess would be the OFCs / SNRs running into bank that are fairly new to the server, This is a bad influence to put in the views of our new players and they will start to learn and see that if a CERT SGT is cursing at other officers they will do so as well. The proper way he could have handled this situation is by simply calling a staff member and having them bring the office out of the bank and placing him into the hands of a PD SGT to retrain them and they could be on their way. (Only saying this because I have seen him and many other CERT/SWAT members say this in govt team chat) B. https://gyazo.com/a1fccb5ce147d2d22bc57d3649f85433 Might want to add this to the player report as it is breaking server rules by player/staff (if staff we're involved) dissing C. https://gyazo.com/8b36807262308b4db6eaf1856236e4c7 As a reply, Andrew did make a rude remark and should be punished accordingly same as Bobby. Honestly, this should have just been forwarded to a staff member in-game and they would have been more than happy to handle it just for future reference.
    2 points
  4. I'm voting ArmyGuy His main focus is State and he actually sticks with State and does his job correctly. ArmyGuy deserves this more than anyone else does he is trustworthy and respectful to others. This guy shows a lot of dedication and a lot of responsibilities towards the department I feel like this guy deserves it because of certain reasons. ArmyGuy would be great for High Command here will do his best to make this department active and try his best to make this department 100% fun and professional. Good Luck ArmyGuy I hope you get it! (P.S) Even tho he is a Captain he deserves it more than anyone else does That he will show dedication and pride!
    2 points
  5. Thanks for reading, take care.
    1 point
  6. In-Game Name: Omnistar SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143151682 How long have you been your current rank: 3 Months What rank are you applying for: Lieutenant Permission (Not required if applying for LT-CPT): A.Chief Bob Bob 1K51 How warns do you have: 3 Why do you deserve to be promoted?: I believe that I deserve to be promoted because I am a very active and hard working Police Officer and I think that I could do many great things as a command member such as for instance if I was a command member I could help out all of the lower ranks by showing them the do's and dont's of the police department such as correcting them when they use a vehicle in the wrong police livery (Not in the Rockford city skin) and if they don't use a lightbar if they are not an SM+ (Which I have witnessed multiple times). Another reason why I should be promoted because I have been told that I am a good role model to lower ranks, not just OFC's but also any rank that needs guidance I will be there to ask questions if anybody Low or high rank has an issue and I have no problem with taking time out of my day to help out other officers in need of an assisting hand. I also feel that I should be promoted to a command member because I am a very friendly and approachable Sergeant Major and me being a Lieutenant will enable me to do more thorough Teamspeak checks and also when I Am "Telling Off" a officer it would cause me to appear a lot more threatening and also to show people that if I would need to then I could enforce the PD Rules by either giving them a very stern talking to or in very severe cases (or whenever the person has already been given enough warnings/Talking to) A demotion or if its an OFC Then I will enforce that they get retrained. Do you agree to follow all rules set forth by High Command and know they can demote you at any time if necessary: I agree P.S Please (Whoever checks through applications) understand that I made this application when the format was hidden and it was made AND Authorised by A.Chief Bob Bob!
    1 point
  7. I heard a lot of people getting told to vote for snookie. People can vote for who they want to vote for
    1 point
  8. Vote: Snookie bear/Garry Kim Reason: Active, great at rp, you can tell he really cares about state.  Concerns: N/A -Nor
    1 point
  9. The best thing to do is be active around ppl base whit them or talk to them in ts then u will prob get staff
    1 point
  10. - Support I have not seen you ingame (We are in different time zones though) and your app is very bland. Try to apply again in two weeks when you get more known and with a better app. Good luck however!
    1 point
  11. Vote: Snookiebear Reason: Sexy teddy bear, great leader, mature Concerns: Too sexy?
    1 point
  12. He had his ts muted and everything ????
    1 point
  13. -support -more work needs on your app -u can’t minge for 10,000 as a trial mod I think -never seen you on or heard about you get more active around the community Other then that good luck
    1 point
  14. Master plan: “accidentally” kill the hostage so you can use gas
    1 point
  15. Your just luckly im taking a break from my commissioner of criminal rank XD
    1 point
  16. Vote: Dad Reason: because he is dad Concers: yes mom is leaving
    1 point
  17. Not to be rude or anything but all i see on posts is you just quoting random peoples post from over 1 month ago. And I saw you posted on the staff handbook which was unnecessary. All I see is you posting after posting after posting. Give it a break.
    1 point
  18. Vote: Snookiebear Reason: Active, Mature, Follows all SOPs, Follows all rules, Takes care of troopers and other departments with equal punishments. Not bias only promotes people who deserve a promotion, The most active trooper out of all (if anyone denies then you must be high) Concerns: That he will leave before he gets COL
    1 point
  19. -Support Quotes all my goddamn posts smh Jk +Support hes good at moderation
    1 point
  20. Nice man, I'm getting close too
    1 point
  21. Vote: Garry Kim/Snookie Reason: He is really active and shows good work in CERT and state Concerns: None
    1 point
  22. Vote:Snookie Bear Reason:I have seen a lot takes pride in CERT and State Concerns: As state will he do gas training for CERT to prevent abuse and so they have to use tactics.
    1 point
  23. Carpenter Interiors provides authentic, gorgeous and stunning interiors for any work space, home or apartment. Designed by only the best designers and using only the most high-quality materials on the market, you know your getting your moneys value with any package. Carpenter Interiors was inspired by the environment and architectural design of Illinois and Rockford city. Why Rockford? We choose Rockford to be the base of operations for Carpenter Interiors due to its hot climate and need for interior design. Studies show that 75% of the population of Rockford is living without a beautiful interior. All of the packages and services can be purchased at a Carpenter Interiors show room/shop. Standard Package Starting at 25,000 USD$ The standard package is perfect for any land owner who desires a perfect interior for a reasonable price. It Features: - Basic amount and design of flooring and furniture manufactured with only the most high quality materials - 5 year warranty for all furniture and flooring - Quality ensurance by professionals Premium Package Starting at 60,000 USD$ The premium package is perfect for the particularly picky land owners who desire the ultimate interior. It Features: - Advanced amount and design of flooring, environment, outside area. Includes hand-crafted furniture with only the most high-quality materials - 10 year warranty for all furniture and flooring - Enhanced quality ensurance from only the best
    1 point
  24. Could I get a quote for my house in the suburbs? (Suburbs house 1)
    1 point
  25. put the $ in front of the amount not after [TRIGGERED]
    1 point
  26. What can I get for a dollar?
    1 point
  27. They impound you vehicle if you are doing illegal acts within it... Impounding is "evidence" if we were to be real... Last time i checked you can not 1.) Impound Bitcoin because its not a car. 2.) You cant do anything illegal with bitcoin as of now... There is no valid RP reason to take bitcoin as evidence. Thats why Zeeptin made it legal in the first place. PD are NOT to touch Bitcoin end of story. If SMT could chime in... Its impractical to destroy a perfectly legal item... Back to the dishwasher thought... Would they impound ya dish washer @Snarlax @Nolan
    1 point
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