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MTF, Help! - Accepted


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What you want to see
Have only Command+ request MTF to D-Block
Why should we add it
Because random SGT's requests 12 MTF to D-Block when there is like 2 people "rioting".
( I think 150 people with 2 minute NLR against knives and pistols is enough).
What are the advantages of having this
Reasonable reasons to have MTF at D-Block.
Who is it mainly for

SCP-RP Moderator | CI LTCOL Boozle LC32 

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-Support, this would make it impossible for SEC to call in MTF on early mornings where CMD often isn't on.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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-/+Support, obviously if we're not on or dead, and we need MTF, our SM or next highest on should be responsible enough to know when to call for backup. Obviously if we lost D-Block, calling MTF would be a good plan. I wouldn't be against having a talk with our NCO's about when to call for MTF and when not to.

1 hour ago, Neo said:

I think 150 people with 2 minute NLR against knives and pistols is enough

You'd be surprised, D-Class have no care in the world. They don't care if they die because they can come right back 15 seconds later, they don't have to be careful, if a D-Class gets in their way, and they die, tough cookie moving on. (Obviously RDM but sometimes unintentional). One D-Class can be dangerous, cause all it takes is for one to rush and the rest of herd follows. That's why we lose D-Block alot, they have no NLR and have plenty of chances to do do damage, all it takes is a single hit and that's progress.

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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+/- Support

This would be a great thing but I would have to agree with command not being on at the ass-crack of dawn to call for help. (If people even get in that early, idk.) However, maybe make it to where only SM+ call for MTF, or have stricter guidelines on when and who can call for MTF Support.

Femboy Hooters. No Cogs he's mine.

Omi9 2LT Lee JL6

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4 hours ago, Falxen said:

-Support, this would make it impossible for SEC to call in MTF on early mornings where CMD often isn't on.


1 hour ago, Bionicle said:

+support, but if no command at on then the next highest rank should be able to, only if there is less then 10 Gensec imo.

+/- Support

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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6 hours ago, [GL] Bazooka said:




E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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5 hours ago, Gunther said:

-/+Support, obviously if we're not on or dead, and we need MTF, our SM or next highest on should be responsible enough to know when to call for backup. Obviously if we lost D-Block, calling MTF would be a good plan. I wouldn't be against having a talk with our NCO's about when to call for MTF and when not to.

You'd be surprised, D-Class have no care in the world. They don't care if they die because they can come right back 15 seconds later, they don't have to be careful, if a D-Class gets in their way, and they die, tough cookie moving on. (Obviously RDM but sometimes unintentional). One D-Class can be dangerous, cause all it takes is for one to rush and the rest of herd follows. That's why we lose D-Block alot, they have no NLR and have plenty of chances to do do damage, all it takes is a single hit and that's progress.

Ngl ive accidentally RDMd another D class with a bat cuz i was trying to kill a Gensec enlisted and another D class basically jumped in front of me when i swung

Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent ~Captain Price (Modern Warfare 2)

Former CMD Positions: E11 1LT, Medical Chief Manager, CI LT and SRIC, Alpha 1 CPL, RRH Squad Lead.

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7 hours ago, Falxen said:

-Support, this would make it impossible for SEC to call in MTF on early mornings where CMD often isn't on.


6 hours ago, Gunther said:

-/+Support, obviously if we're not on or dead, and we need MTF, our SM or next highest on should be responsible enough to know when to call for backup. Obviously if we lost D-Block, calling MTF would be a good plan. I wouldn't be against having a talk with our NCO's about when to call for MTF and when not to.


[Former] Director of Containment | [Current] MTF A1 RRH Operative OH0 | [Former] MTF A1 Executive Commander EC98 |  [Former] SCP-RP Moderator
"He who acts on his own desire, breeds Pestilence" ~ Daedran 2019 |  "Director Rangiatea is not allowed to do “!slay director” and claim Director Blackbeard had a heart attack."

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9 hours ago, Bionicle said:

+support, but if no command at on then the next highest rank should be able to, only if there is less then 10 Gensec imo.

I like this idea, solve the problem of early morning and keeps gensec from call MTF into D block in the after noon.

But MTF command should be able to evaluate the situation in D block if there's no gensec command on and post a limited number of guards in or by D Block


I see a lot of hate for this coming from Gensec.

But when every 10 mins you guys call for MTF you leave the site undefended, making it basically free real estate for CI and they love punishing MTF for their mistakes by releasing SCP's. Which has the unfortunate side effect of defcon ones.


I do believe the foundation would benefit from having this restriction.


You don't have to be the best, you just got to be better than dip shit over there

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3 hours ago, [CCG] Camo said:

There is not always a command member on, so are they just fucked if a d-class riot happens? Also, most of the time when MTF is called there is a good reason, not just "Two people rioting".

I beg to differ, Maynard says otherwise.

SCP-RP Moderator | CI LTCOL Boozle LC32 

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Perhaps we could implement it being the highest on if there is no command on at the time.

[SCP-RP] Retired: CI RND DHOR/RA/CIN,  Engineer/OS, Omi9 Maj, SET.

[IMP-RP] Previous: CMO Captain, SFL, Tank VCMDR Shock VCMDR GMVIII

Officially Married to Mary 2/23/23


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