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Chris Soprano's Trial Moderator Application


What do you think of my Staff Application?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of my Staff Application?

    • Yes
    • No

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  1. What is your in-game name?:

Chris Soprano;

Variations include Supreme Judge Chris Soprano, Chris Jenson

  1. What is your steam name?:


  1. What is your steam ID?:


  1. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

Yes, I have been staff at levels of moderator on a number of DarkRP and TTT Servers. As Well as being senior management on a number of smaller level communities; The majority of these have closed now. I was moderator and Administrator on a few large DarkRP,s however I have not been staffing on those servers for over a year, while i do not remember the name of any of the DarkRP Servers, I can remember they would have player counts reaching 60+. The TTT, I was a Member of the SMT on CarnivoreGaming.

While doing these roles, I learned to respect player, be calm and understand there are many sides to a story. I learned different techniques to keeping a situation under control, as well as resolving a situation, big or small, I can resolve it without bias and in a friendly environment keeping both parties happy with the resolution.

  1. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

I started playing maybe a year ago, however left the server for a space of months. I wouldn't be able to say accurately however I started playing this community seriously again about 2-3 weeks ago.

  1. What date did you make your forums account?

Due to what stated above, i'm not too sure. However, I admittedly have not been massively active on forums however I plan to change that now.

  1. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


  1. How many warns do you have on the server?


  1. Have you donated?

Yes, I've donated $30, and plan to donate more in the future. This community really is something great so I wish to support it.

  1. What rank are you applying for?

Trial Moderator

  1. Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it:

Yes I have, however I had to contact staff to give me a new link as that link brings an error page.

  1. Timezone:


  1. Permission (Admin+ need this):


  1. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

I realise I have not been on the forums massively, nor have I been in the community seriously as long as other applicants,  However, I do believe im qualified for the role. I can assure you that I will be online, everyday. I could assure the current staff team my full support and help in situations, hoping I can help them, as well as the community.


Im believe I'm able to do this role with confidence and integrity. I have experience staffing on many other servers, as well as i've helped numerous admins already within situations getting them resolved. So far I have taken the roles many would find boring, Like Judge, for hours at a time to assure a High Quality of RolePlay for all players. I am able to take the boring jobs, as all i need in return is the knowledge that i'm helping the community and making a better RolePlay experience for others.


While I may not have the same experience in this particular server as other applicants, I have upwards of 2500 Hours in Gmod, many of them being staffing servers and communities.

I hope you consider my application, as I believe I can make a difference.

  1. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

From my Point Of View, It seems like he doesnt want to be on the server. So I would most likely give the person a Warning for both, as well as 10,000 seconds minge time. To do this i would goto a higher up, as I would be unable to give times that high.  Once his minge time is over, later that day, I would spectate him and make sure he does not offend again. If he did the consequences would be alot more severe.


Thank you for reading my application, I have reposted this as I deleted my old one as I was unknowing of the rule that you shouldn't reply to your own application, or more the idea it gives off i’ve been told. I'm terribly sorry for it, and any inconvenience it has caused as I have deleted it. I believe I have put the most into this application I can, and that I'm active. I’d love to hear everyone’s feedback.

Best Regards,


Edited by olivercrowe
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-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.



Edited by ? BrycE ?
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48 minutes ago, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.



need to be a bit more active 

Banned from Signatures - Valk - DNR - 11/25/17


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8 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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-Inactive forums okay (it takes time to build up a forums account) I understand.

-App well structured Besides (Q14.)

-Getting staff I think pushes people to become more active. You could do fine

-I think you seem very (dedicated to staff) Reason: Application is lengthy to a good extent.

-Seem like a Good guy willing to put time

-Activity on GMOD is Amazing

-Overall ..........

+support Good Luck Man!




Edited by Corbin(Presley)
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Retired Fleet Admiral
Retired GM VII
Retired 501st Commander 


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11 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.



Just get more activity! Glad that you are taking the game seriously and hope you are enjoying it!

Good Luck!

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13 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.



Never seen you in game 

your app dosent need to be flashy

if I see you in game more you will get my support for sure ❤️ 


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1 minute ago, Munchies1 said:


  • Never seen you in-game
  • Forums account is inactive
  • Improve activity


Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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19 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 3:07 PM, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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On 7/18/2018 at 4:11 AM, Corbin(Presley) said:


-Inactive forums okay (it takes time to build up a forums account) I understand.

-App well structured Besides (Q14.)

-Getting staff I think pushes people to become more active. You could do fine

-I think you seem very (dedicated to staff) Reason: Application is lengthy to a good extent.

-Seem like a Good guy willing to put time

-Activity on GMOD is Amazing

-Overall ..........

+support Good Luck Man!





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On 7/18/2018 at 4:11 AM, Corbin(Presley) said:


-Inactive forums okay (it takes time to build up a forums account) I understand.

-App well structured Besides (Q14.)

-Getting staff I think pushes people to become more active. You could do fine

-I think you seem very (dedicated to staff) Reason: Application is lengthy to a good extent.

-Seem like a Good guy willing to put time

-Activity on GMOD is Amazing

-Overall ..........

+support Good Luck Man!





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On 7/17/2018 at 5:07 PM, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




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On 7/17/2018 at 6:07 PM, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




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I don't see you on that much in-game and in TeamSpeak

Forums account is inactive. Post more stuff on the Forums!

Application could use a bit more effort

Low warns, shows that he is not a rule breaker

Overall I suggest you improve your activity in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the Forums. Then you can re-apply for staff and everyone would +Support it, even me! Good luck!

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On 7/17/2018 at 6:07 PM, ? BrycE ? said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.




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On 7/17/2018 at 6:45 PM, Rhenic said:


-Never seen you in-game.

-Extremely inactive on forums.

-I believe you should work more on your app (Q14) and go more into depth on why you would like to be accepted; Being apart of the staff team is a privilege.

-No poll.

Other than that, pretty good app, i wish you best of luck.


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