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Ozzie's Global Resignation


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G’day all,


We'll keep this short and sweet; per the title I’ll be stepping down as O5.

Started playing the server in April 2022 around the time I began WFH and had a lot of free time, quickly met a lot of awesome people and shot up the ranks.

It would be a lie to say I have loved every minute spent in this community - particularly as SA, but it would also be remiss of me to not mention the great friends I've found here.


Actual clowns:


Trizium - Corn

Spixe - It's been awesome to watch the person you've grown into, you're a rare kind mate

GameHunter - Good luck in the marines bro your fatass is gonna need it

Pills - ????

Kevlar - The Ozzie/Kevlar duo was one of the HCMD teams of all time

CyanicZed - Still often think about that time in Rostok at 100 Rads where you had Kevlar in handcuffs and he was screaming for Duty

Kiwi - We go way back man, I love you (chair force)

Cecil - You stressed me out a lot as HCZ 

Alexx - Didn't know you at all until I was DoTF, but we quickly became friends. Good luck in life mate, I know you're gonna go far.

Weiss - I think you are genuinely one of the coolest people in this community, keep it up mate

The Shadow Leader - The work continues milord.

Silence - Child (tolerable)

Ezekiel - Remember when Kevlar took the escape pod by himself what a fucking rat dawg

Infected - Slava Svoboda asshole

Bop - I love you

Cosmic - Get on RoK


Take it easy everyone, all the best.

Edited by Ozzie_
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Ill miss you Australian brother

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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36 minutes ago, Ozzie_ said:

Silence - Child (tolerable)

Keep yourself safe


Hope you have fun with other stuff, also im not a geek

Maintenance > other branches

Retired Head of Maintenance and Engineering

Former D5 2LT | Formerly RRH Logistics "OL-13" | Former Alpha-1 Captain 'Antarctica' Vulcan Award Winner |

Former Senior Admin/Forum Diplomat, Former Event Team Member

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Take it easy brother, enjoy retirement and the rest of your life big dawg. It was an honor 

  Retired Super Admin Blackbeard (SCPRP) | Retired Director of Containment: Blackbeard | Retired Director of Task Forces: Blackbeard | The One and Only Omicron-9 Commander | Retired O5-6 "The American" (SCPRP)

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Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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Damn its sad to see you go. You did alot for Delta-5 and hell at the end you passed all of us and became the best SA+ member anyone could ask for. I wish you luck in whatever you do and hopefully we can talk again. 

Edited by ShadowRiders-

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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GAH our favorite Aussie in gone! Nah you were amazing in delta 5 and well the server in general! you shall be missed 

Current Ranks Chaos Insurgency CMDR Jrshafer | Security 2LT | Assistant Chief of EMS 

Former Ranks!
Former Alpha-1 Captain Former Physician Former Deputy Head of 
Security Armored Shield Former Member of the Community Blacklist Team

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It was super nice meeting you and you seemed super chill. But not only that but responsible and dependable. Thank you for the effort you put into the server and may a path of glory and fame follow you everywhere you go.

|| Deputy Chief Of Security || Security OFTO || A1 LT WENDIGO || Former Delta-5 WO || Former Delta-5 DHRO || Former Delta-5 FTO || Former GT4 VALI || Former RRH Echo 45 || S.T.A.R.S || S.T.A.R.S  || Mr. Golf

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Met you all the way back when you were in security, then you found in home in D5, it was really awesome seeing go all the way to commander but something changed after that. You weren't the same person, idk if you grew to dislike me or something but no hard feelings. 

                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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