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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Denied. In all seriousness, I appreciate all the help with state police. You were a great Lt. Col!
  2. So apparently there was a meeting that I was not informed about, but troopers suggested some stuff and Echo wrote it on a doc. Heres the Doc, I commented on all the suggestions, feel free to look through. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ca45KSWi-MoqE2tRUE1BAGsKfFyJz8__ue3hfnoxQ7g/edit?usp=sharing I hear your suggestions and I still keep up with the State Updates. I put in a Small CERT Update a little while ago and its out of my hands now. Be patient and wait for it to be put in the server. There are many other branches requesting updates as well. According to few, I am not able to be reached or "Not hearing your updates." If you need me send me a message in TS when I'm on or a Steam Message. I rarely every get messaged in TS about state issues and when I do I don't ignore them. We have meetings weekly for troopers to suggest things and I attend the majority of them. And if you really need somthing done, make a post in the state section. I also went through the suggestion forum. Remove no family's and make it state command LT+ can't be in a familyThat rule isnt a thing. A better gun than the one we already have for CERT, it's very underpowered for the department, someone, like me can't afford buying guns every time for pre-patrol checks. Thank you Gaur the CommunistThis suggestion was from a long time ago, its pretty much what sparked the massive CERT update (Where all the jobs got added) DOC dosent have to be on in order for state troopers to be on. why should we add it? Because it really dosent make any since that DOC has to be on in order to get in state troopers.Old Suggested (already been looked add, I just copied and pasted the whole thing) Lets get a shotgun on the trooper classAlready been done, this suggestion happened along time ago http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=581850681&searchtext=Police+Cars+vcmodNot going to get added, too old, doesn't fit in RP. can we get a state tahoe for the rank of either corporal + or sergeant+ one with marking and a light bar on topOur Tahoe is for COMMAND only, sorry.. Ford F150 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354305851&searchtext=ford+Already in the Server, Custom job car, would need Vinny's permission to get it added. Needs state skin if it is to be made available to lower ranks. A better weapon for cert trooperCERT Small update request is in. M4A4 Replaced with Galil motorcyclesGot those added in (Creds to Vinny for finding them), we are one of the only servers with cop motorcycles. (SPMU) K9Not going to happen. Sorry AWP added to CERT Commander, an some type of Assault Rifle, I'm really not liking the SMGs, they're not too greatSnookie suggested this, and I talked to him and the CERT Small Update was made. Motorcycle Core for the best drivers in stateSPMU Is a thing so it not in the above suggestion list. But i think the state police motorcycle unit should get a different player model than just the regular state trooper model. Idk if its in the process just havent heard anything about it I need a link to a model. This is most likely a yes if you have a model. I was thinking about this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1123448074 I believe the Galil should be added to CERT Trooper as the M4A4 shoots to slow and thats the only weapon we have besides the side arm CERT Small Update has been put in, we are just waiting now. ____ That is only 17 suggestions since 2/17/18, 17 suggestions in 4 months and theres people telling Echo that I am not listening to suggestions. This forum is there for a reason! Link: https://goo.gl/forms/jhuuvEzs9J1A9pdj1 and thats posted in a pinned and featured topic.
  3. Did you or did you not kill someone after you revived them with the Defibs on your job?
  4. Instead of just saying "this is photoshopped" can someone please explain how it is or give me some evidence it is.
  5. Gaur

    Vlad TS unban App.

    Your ban is for "Ban Evasion" When you come in and act like Valk and I get screenshots of just some dude name Valk saying money issue then I assume Its valk. Your ban will be lifted
  6. Gaur


    One, Zero Zero Zero Forum Posts Am I cool now, @Snarlax?
  7. What about Blaza-kiwi. Welcome back Major Rangiatea
  8. Denied. As Colonel of State Police, we will not be moving the CERT Location. They are apart of State Police. If ArmyGuy and Snookie wanted to they would speak with me.
  9. NoOne needs to respond to explain.
  10. The length of the ban is due to the fact of it being a perm ban and the perm ban option does not work. I had mutiple members of the server and a staff member saying that you were ticketing mass amounts of players at one time. (Exploitation) And that all the tickets appeared with YOUR name on them. http://prntscr.com/judfmk The whole server saw your name on those tickets, and you made this comment. ---- Screenshots https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1410459761 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1410459599 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1410459539 -- To confirm your Ajit, I looked up your SteamID and you profile name is "Ajit"
  11. Denied. Its already gone?
  12. Accepted Speak with a SA+ for warn removal
  13. Accepted Speak with a SA+ in game for warn removal
  14. Accepted Speak with SA+ in game for removal.
  15. Gaur

    Ban Req

    Accepted Player has been banned
  16. Gaur

    False warn

    Accepted Contact SA+ in game for removal.
  17. Gaur

    Warn Appeal

    Denied Please Stop Appealing warns that you know are not false. It is a FALSE Warn Report, if its not false dont appeal it.
  18. Gaur

    Double warned

    Denied The warns are 20 minutes apart.
  19. Gaur

    Warn Appeal

    Denied Please Stop Appealing warns that you know are not false
  20. Gaur

    False Warn

    Denied They are 2 days apart how are they duplicates?
  21. Gaur

    Warn Appeal

    Denied Please Stop Appealing warns that you know are not false.
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