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Everything posted by Jacstur

  1. Name is literally without a doubt deserving of this mans has grinded for a long time and goes above and beyond for his battalion and the server as a whole
  2. We Love Racc! Side note: When am I getting my kidneys back?
  3. Kat say sike rn Even tho we have barely spoken to each other imma miss you best of luck in life
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : The Seventh Sister / Jax 2. Why do you want to become the position of High Inquisitor?: I would like to become The High Inquisitor because I have an outstanding amount of love and passion for Inquisitorious, however, I feel it could use some improvements, such as improvements to communication within the battalion and not only between the lower ranking members but the battalion as a whole, more engagement and rewards for activities and trainings, which means making Inquisitorious an fun and exciting experience and making sure there is consistent training at all levels taking place to keep people active and enable them to have a fun time within the Inquisitorious. I have some changes for the Inquisitorius that will not only be well overdue but also reel people in and get old, current, and new players back into the battalion and actively playing on the server again. I will not reveal too much about said ideas but I want to rework the Battalion as a whole and give it a breath of fresh air and or enable it to flourish. I feel that a new Sub-Battalion for IQ and Purge would give the Inquisitorius new life. Furthermore, I want the Inquisitorius to not only be a fun experience for all while maintaining a level of maturity but also be a heavily respected Battalion. Additionally, to secure that wish the Inquisitorius would need to further engage in maintaining their relationships with other Battalions by always being respectful and never arguing with them. I would like to become The High Inquisitor to secure these changes and help them come to fruition. I also want to further update our documents within the Inquisitorius and even introduce new ones with the help of IQ command. Although we have recently gone through them and touched some things up I believe that they need to be completely remade to a degree and be precise with no mistakes. We still use old documents from time to time which have been created by our predecessors but to fully renovate our documents we must make our own and update them persistently with new rules, protocols, and procedures. I've spent a lot of time on this server and as a part of Inquisitorius and personally I've loved every second of it as I've enjoyed all the Memories and friendships that have come from it. I want every member of not only IQ and Purge but RG as well to share that same experience I had along the way and so I want to help all three of the Battalions as much as I can. I want the Battalions to be the best of the best and be welcoming to everyone that comes their way while also remaining serious at all times. 3. What is the biggest thing you would bring to Inquisitorious High Command?: I have some changes for the Inquisitorius that will not only be well overdue but also reel people in and get old, current, and new players back into the battalion and actively playing on the server again. I will not reveal too much about said ideas but I want to rework the Battalion as a whole and give it a breath of fresh air and or enable it to flourish. I feel that a new Sub-Battalion for IQ and Purge would give the Inquisitorius new life. Furthermore, I want the Inquisitorius to not only be a fun experience for all while maintaining a level of maturity but also be a heavily respected Battalion. Additionally, to secure that wish the Inquisitorius would need to further engage in maintaining their relationships with other Battalions by always being respectful and never arguing with them. I will do whatever it takes to secure these changes and help them come to fruition. I am always on discord and I can do anything High Command needs or asks for ASAP. I am always willing to help out others. 4. What is the purpose of a High IQ? The main purpose of The High Inquisitor is to work directly under The Grand IQ and maintain the branch's vitality and maturity by keeping it active, happy, and respectful at all times. Additionally, they should be keeping up with their troops and making sure they are having a fun time and help with resolving any issues they have. Furthermore, As The High Inquisitor, you will be responsible for overseeing the Regiment, implementing and enforcing trainings, punishing those who misbehave, and appointing commanding NCOs and Officers to your regiment accordingly. Command Team objectives: The High Inquisitor should also being consistent in checking in with their Command team/ Lore IQ for updates about NCO and Officer activity, what improvements need to be made, and to hand out to be promotions and or demotions. The High Inquisitor should also work with their command team to maintain relationships and respects between battalions whether its Navy or Army. The High Inquisitor should also be making sure their subordinates in the command team are keeping on top of their duties whether it's updating the roster, updating troops who are on or off LOA or ROA, and making sure and encouraging them reach their command quota for the month and even trying to go beyond the quota so they do not get striked. Being a role model: The High Inquisitor should always be a role model to their Command team, Officers, NCOs, and Enlisted by setting a standard of how they should strive to be. The High Inquisitor is one of the highest positions of IQ and they are always representing their Battalion and must always be Mature to set an example for their subordinates. If any member of High Command were to minge or try to instigate other players not only would it make their own Battalion and High Command look bad but I would be a horrible example for their subordinates. The Objectives are universal for any of the battalions The High Inquisitor oversees at any point in time. 5. Why should we trust you to be IQ High Command?: I've put in a lot of time on this server and I have been dedicated to IQ for a long time I have many people vouching for me when it comes to my dedication to this regiment and I believe I would be a good fit for this role. I always try to keep my subordinates in line regardless of if it’s a mission, event, or we’re just on the ship with nothing going on because I want to see them grow rather than see them get in trouble . Another thing is that I will try my best to resolve any and all problems present in my branch. I am also well aware of the SOP and rules and I regularly read them to refresh myself and see if anything new is added to them. I also took upon a commanding role in my local Firehouse where I oversee the Junior and Probationary members and keep them in line whether it's in public, at the station, or on a fire call and It has given me a lot of useful experience and helped me grow as an individual. I personally believe I am ready to take on the responsibility of The High Inquisitor as I have been nothing but dedicated to Inquisitorius since I joined the server. 6. How often can you be active in-game? : {Mondays} 2PM - 6PM EST {Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday} 8PM - 12AM EST {Saturdays and Sundays} Usually anytime unless work schedules me otherwise. 7. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I do not have any warnings.
  5. Jacstur


    Ay bruh you about 10 days late for this say sike rn
  6. Okay now im generally upset bout this one SAY SIKE RN dont leave us like joint did Imma miss you dawg
  7. Although we’ve only talked once or twice imma miss you Odin
  8. Hey siri... play Marvin's Room by Drake... it's time to be in my feels Imma miss u Biggus<3 and ill also miss that ghost that was never in the same room as you
  9. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Overseer Jax SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58039713 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Inquisitorious | Ninth Sister 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to help out the high command of IQ and I've been dedicated to IQ for awhile but I want to make IQ the best that it can be. This would definitely be a new experience for me but I want to help out IQ as a whole. I've made tons of friends from this Regiment and I want everyone who joins IQ to have the same experience I had. I also have a few things I’ve thought up to keep Purge and IQ as active as they can be. I want to make sure my regiment knows what to do in certain situations by hosting Interrogation training, Defensive training, and Battle-station training which is extremely important for new enlisted to learn about. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 2 weeks or about 392 hours according to Battle Metrics at the time of writing this application. If you’d like to double check my activity: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/924679072 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? I believe there’s a lot of purposes for a Vice Commander in a Battalion. However, their main purpose is to help out their Commander and High Command by theoretically lifting a weight off of their shoulders and helping out in any way, shape, or form by keeping things in order and running to the best of their abilities. A Vice Commander can do a few things to help out their command such as: Being a role Model: A Vice Commander should always be a role model to their Officers, NCOs, and Enlisted by setting a standard of how they should strive to be. A Vice Commander is the face of a battalion and they are always representing their Battalion and must always be Mature to set an example for their subordinates. If a Vice Commander were to minge or try to instigate other players not only would it make the Battalion look bad but I would be a horrible example for their subordinates. Asking their subordinates for their Opinions: A Vice Commander should always be checking in on their battalion and asking for their subordinates opinions on things, changes they want, and or what their Soldiers want to see more of. A Vice Commander who goes out of their way to reach out to players and listen to them boosts morale tremendously and should be done frequently. Keeping Documents updated and running perfectly: Keeping the Documents updated can be a lot for command and A vice Commander should always step up and help them whether it’s small spelling/grammatical errors in documents or updating roster these things even though they may not seem like a lot can help out the command tremendously. They should also repeatedly look over SOPs for any new changes in them and enforce them onto their Subordinates at all times Looking over and keeping their Battalion in line and active: A Vice Commander has a list of things to keep their Battalion running and active. Making sure NCOs reach their quota by having them host tryouts and having new recruits join our ranks is a very important thing on the list. Making sure the Officers of the Battalion are active and hosting SIMs/Trainings. Instead of having everyone in their Battalion sitting at PCP or bunks, A Vice Commander should keep them active and set up activities for the Battalion to keep them engaged and entertained regardless of what the activity is. To look over a Battalion a Vice Commander should handle any problems that have arised through the CoC before it makes its way to the Commander. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I've put in a lot of time on this server and I have been dedicated to IQ for a long time I have many people vouching for me when it comes to my dedication to this regiment and I believe I would be a good fit for this role. I always try to keep my subordinates in line regardless of if it’s a mission, event, or we’re just on the ship with nothing going on because I want to see them grow rather than see them get in trouble . Another thing is that I will try my best to resolve any and all problems present in my branch. I am also well aware of the SOP and rules and I regularly read them to refresh myself and see if anything new is added to them. I also recently took upon a commanding role in my local Firehouse where I oversee the Junior and Probationary members and keep them in line whether it's in public, at the station, or on a fire call and I believe its given me a lot of useful experience 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on almost everyday and if I cannot get on I will let my fellow IQ know. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have zero warnings and zero bans
  10. So if the Lego blasters are possible does that mean Lego sabers are too !?
  11. I’ve made some improvements to the application. If I think of anything else to add I’ll get on it asap
  12. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Lord X Jax SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58039713 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Ninth Sister 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to help out the high command of IQ and I've been dedicated to IQ for awhile but I want to make IQ the best that it can be. This would definitely be a new experience for me but I want to help out IQ as a whole. I've made tons of friends from this Regiment and I want everyone who joins IQ to have the same experience I had. I also have a few things I’ve thought up to keep Purge and IQ as active as they can be. I want to make sure my regiment knows what to do in certain situations by hosting Interrogation training, Defensive training, and Battle-station training which is extremely important for new enlisted to learn about. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 1 week or about 300 hours according to Battle Metrics at the time of writing this application. If you’d like to double check my activity: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/924679072 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? To manage their Officers, NCOs, and enlisted. To host frequent training sessions for their regiment to keep their skills in check. Commanders should always keep a professional and mature attitude at all time while showing good leadership and communications. They should also enforce tryouts when NCO's are on and work in harmony with their NCO's so they can always be bringing in new members to their regiment. A commander should also enforce NCO+ to be in TeamSpeak while on the job. However a commander should actively keep their troopers engaged by doing flag ups and or hosting mission whether it’s a private,public,or joint mission. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I've put in a lot of time on this server and I have been dedicated to IQ for a long time I have many people vouching for me when it comes to my dedication to this regiment and I believe I would be a good fit for this role. I always try to keep my subordinates in line regardless of if it’s a mission, event, or we’re just on the ship with nothing going on because I want to see them grow rather than see them get in trouble . Another thing is that I will try my best to resolve any and all problems present in my branch. I am also well aware of the SOP and rules and I regularly read them to refresh myself and see if anything new is added to them. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on almost everyday and if I cannot get on I will let my IQ know. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have zero warnings
  13. What is your In-Game Name: Jax What is your In-Game Rank: Lord VI Are you Purge or IQ: IQ What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: jedi sims or duels Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: no
  14. What is your In-Game Name: Jax What is your In-Game Rank: Lord III What is your STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:58039713 Are you Purge or IQ: IQ What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: Flight training but like let people get used to it before starting sim so it doesn't end up like last time Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: N/A
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