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Everything posted by Jacstur

  1. -support for right now • Your answers are way too short and would barely cut it for an officer application, I recommend writing more and doing what Zabuza said above
  2. -support It doesn’t really make sense to add yet another engineering sub branch while there’s entire battalions dedicated to that, one of which is directly linked to ST. Even though it’s a sub branch I just have a feeling it’ll end up like the regimental engineers from a few years back. Although admittedly I haven’t gotten on the server for a few months now so my view of things may be a bit behind.
  3. +support I fully support this but idk if it’d be able to be added to FS as there’s just one job for all of FS unless something changed since I was last on(around May or June ish) gun looks dope tho!
  4. +Support just give him it right now. that was an absolute masterclass of an application
  5. W resignation. I shoulda done mine like this L responses from those mentioned tho
  6. + Support • what everyone’s +supports say pretty much sums up what I would’ve written •Plays during the Australian hours, would be on during peak hours to night time for Americans •Dedicated
  7. I’m not +supporting or -supporting but if my memory serves me correct I don’t think the SF SOP can override something decided by High Command.
  8. Damn bruh first Mars now you too O7
  9. +support honestly surprised this hasn’t already been done. It’s been needed for awhile
  10. ^ what shadow said Beckett could quite literally make a copy of the heavy model and change the white to whatever color you guys pick
  11. That’s the thing tho the models may look nice when you test them out in single player but then they look bad once they get into the server due to compression. Especially Nada’s models (idk why) also the FS models are CGI models they’d throw off the entirety of the server being the only CGI models (aside from Custom Classes) I’m not sure how it is now but when I was around we were always told CGI models were a no go.
  12. - Support As the person who got FS added (alongside Vertigo and Zabuza)(this is in no way meant to be like a flex or ego boost I just wrote the start of this baked out of my mind this morning), hell to the no with these model changes. The current FS model is the best option for the job as we searched throughly through the workshop to find it and decided it was the best option out of multiple sub par models. And if imma be real with you, the model you’re suggesting to change it with does not look good whatsoever imo in regards to the purge models, the Phase 2 model ain’t it fam. Keep the current Purge models as is. Theres no need to change any of these. you also wont be able to remove the tier job unless you have a replacement in place for it. Almost all battalions on the server are meant to have at least one. (With a few exceptions)
  13. - Support •in my opinion this application looks short. It may just be the way it’s formatted but idk. •your answer to “6. why should we trust you to be a commander?” Doesn’t really answer the question in relation to your position/motives within the server itself it just lists a bunch of irl position and ranks from other servers. I’d advise rewriting your answer to #6 but that’s up to you. regardless, best of luck with your application.
  14. + Support • He’s risen through the ranks and shown nothing but commitment to the battalion (at least from what I can see from the retirement home) • He’s applied for the position multiple times and he hasn’t given up once even when he’d be denied (most people would resign during my time) he obviously is adamant on achieve this position and in my eyes he’s deserving of it • His application is through and thought out and from what I can see from his loggings on both IQ and Purge he’s beyond dedicated to the battalion. Best of Luck Reeses!
  15. Ight word just wanted to make sure +Support although it was originally added to be more tactical/sneaky it’s different times now so I fully support swapping the weapon.
  16. Before I give a + or - was this approved by command or HCOM?
  17. +support IQ Assassin has needed a rework since it’s been added. i agree with the tier change as it prevented ppl from joining it in the past especially with over 50% of the battalion being apprentice donators only at least when it was added. I think you should keep the saber damage the same tho
  18. Oh okay, disregard my last comment then + Support
  19. Jacstur

    Apology to Frog

    Guys I think Resin cappin bout using ChatGPT. whos this Nimo guy tho?
  20. As much as I hate to say it, -Support • Inferno is prone to die out over and over again which is why it was removed in the first place • ISB does not have the numbers to even consider adding a sub branch as that would strain those numbers even further (you currently have 5 •ISB is not HCOM and doesn’t need their own personal guard. You have the optional ability to have DT guard you although you may be very low on the priority list(haven’t seen it in awhile) •ISB is a roleplay focused Battalion, they do not need a frontline combat sub branch In all honesty it would make more sense for SF to have inferno. Or some like trail mix mish mash between the ISB and SF not just exclusive to ISB(which you can only join at officer)
  21. - Support •Rather than completely replacing everything you should instead work on revitalizing them and reviving them. That’s a commander and command team’s job.
  22. - Support Basically what Krüvz. • Although I’m happy to see you actually wrote this app, I’m a bit disappointed due to how short it is because I know you can actually write an app. For example your Purge Vice app Once you add more and fix this app overall my -Support will 100% turn into a +Support.
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