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Everything posted by Jacstur

  1. +Support However keep in mind that the middle finger swep is a donator item and cannot be given out for events but overall I think you’d be a perfect fit for the GM team
  2. I will also be funding this but slightly more than the Governator
  3. - Support • Alting is a perma ban regardless. • it also seems you’ve made alt forums accounts to reply to your ban appeal considering the fact they both joined in the hours following the posting of this appeal
  4. O7 Dawg how u gonna leave us without teaching Harry how to not give us cancer
  5. ACCEPTED Please speak to any MAJ+ to get trained.
  6. You forgot to mention the divorce.
  7. Honestly when I saw the title of the post I thought it was for something completely different but now I know I was really off on that prediction but this would honestly look dope to see +HUGE SUPPORT
  8. +Support •It’s an amazing addon but it should be moderated side note: •I will say one thing based off of other servers I’ve seen use it, if not implemented correctly it can cause some slight server lag and fps drop but overall it’s an amazing addon
  9. Accepted Please speak to any Maj+ for your officer training
  10. Everyday we stray further from god. (why the fuck am I in this)
  11. Mans really resigned just to come back 5 days later
  12. - Support first of all follow the format • secondly if you want a model changed within your battalion talk to your commander.
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