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Everything posted by Rito

  1. +Support -That's just a way to tell the other person that the CC post is correct and that nothing is wrong with it. It is just showing some courtesy.
  2. What are you suggesting? - To turn SCP-2161-1 into either a Diamond+ or a Gold+ How would this change better the server? - SCP-2161-1 is pretty overpowered especially when your alone since it just froze you, then slowly kills you and you cannot do anything about it, you cannot call him out you just sit and watch your own death without being able to do anything about it. Even when in groups, He'd usually freeze you and hide behind you to use you as a human shield. And it just regens its HP as it sucks your blood. Bronze+ is literally too small for such a good SCP. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Bronze and Silver players wont be able to play on SCP-2161-1 Who would this change mostly benefit? - Foundation and even CI, as they are mostly alone and in small groups. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  3. Name: Squishy Rank: Member Reason for leaving: I have been thinking about this for quite a while now, and I think I must leave ET for a bit and maybe forever because I simply do not have any inspiration and I feel like it is just a chore now, I'm not having anymore fun hosting events like I use to. I might come back later, but for now I must go. Also Travar you better get Event Team advisior : P
  4. To add to that, they made it so that CI cannot cross the blue line anymore.
  5. +Support -Seeing some new guns and maybe better guns will be great for the server -It would be nice too if we could get some new weapons to add on D-Class CCs which would most likely be marksman rifles -Overrall seems like a good suggestion
  6. -Support -Quite mingy -Way too much warns -From what I've seen in game, he's pretty toxic.
  7. +Support Why would CI go to the hospital to get someone brainwashed, doesn't make any sense and it risk the lives of their hostage.
  8. -Support -Class Ds are death row inmmates, would make sense if they could kill anyone they want to.
  9. +Support Right now, most of the Asssaults rifles are trash and the only usable weapons are either knives, shotguns, negev or the AWP. Right now, I believe the only good assault rifle in use is the M4A4, and even it's decent but you would lose a fight with someone who has an KAC PDW easily. It would be nice to see Assault rifles come back and people actually use them.
  10. Rito

    Jay global 48HR

    Denied Your resignation is not needed at the moment. In all seriousness, this is sad to see you go man, ever since you hit the rank of Captain, you were the 2nd in command. You would treat other E-11 as family. You were the one that got me into command and I'm grateful for that, you were also the one that made me realised that my past actions were horrible and I was a really bad example for E-11, and I have tried to change that. I always knew you would one day reach Commander, but I didn't expect you to resign that quickly. Anyway, I hope to see you around sometimes, just keep in mind you will always have a spot for you in E-11. (Also he bullies me because im canadian ;_;)
  11. Makes sense, for Sleuths to be sold as a way to get into the foundation. I'll change my suggestion.
  12. Just now, Maynard was being sold to CI and while foundation was refusing the deal because it's just unfair, CI said it was meta gaming. Which I kinda get because we wouldn't know Maynard is a sleuth, but that's just really unfair for foundation because as I've said, maynard can just run up to CI base and act like he is an hostage
  13. As someone who plays a lot on D-Class, here is what I suggest instead. Riot controls, might have a lot of HP, they are still very easy to take down. I do not think a change to riot controls are needed for now. And it would make it fair for Riot controls to keep thermals so they can go deal with CI infils as they are the only one that can cross the blue line For all of security NCO+ to have thermals, this is the worst idea possible, security IS NOT MTF, they do not need thermals in any way, I only see thermals required for Riot controls. Gensec does not need thermals at SGT+ considering that you can get SGT in few days since there is no promotion cooldown for Gensec enlisteds. So, what I think is don't nerf Riot controls and keep their thermals, keep those for Command and juggernauts, but remove them from NCOs. They do not need thermals.
  14. What are you suggesting? - To add a rule in the MOTD stating the following: CI are not allowed to sell Dr Maynard to the foundation. But are allowed to sell their Sleuths only once as a way to infiltrate the facility How would this change better the server? - Honestly, that's pretty much just an annoying move to sell Dr Maynard because they can just walk up straight to CI base and act like they were captured. And this process can go over and over again, and if we deny the offer, it'll be considered meta game. Which I think is just ridiculous. This would make it fair for both foundation and CI because then, they would actually put effort into getting an hostage then just asking maynard over comms to come to their base and act like they are an hostage. And for the sleuths, I'd suggest they can sell them only once so they can infiltrate the facility easily, but they cannot run back to the CI base right after being sold and acting like they are an hostage over and over. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Only disadvantage is that CI won't make money by selling multiple times their Sleuths and Maynard Who would this change mostly benefit? - Foundation because they are the one buying the hostages Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  15. Bruh just do it smh dont miss on the opportunity, if you miss the opportunity, you'll probably regret it afterwards
  16. Then, I'd suggest only nerfing the remington and the XM spread instead, because the Sawed Off and the mossberg already has Huge spread. Is that a good idea?
  17. Also, this is the only cover D-Class have in D-Block. Without this barricade, D-Class will just be, as Ages said, gunned down as soon as they get out of the elevator
  18. -Support -While shotguns can shoot from ridiculously far, most of them are already obsolete, there are about only 2-3 shotguns that are usable. And that's pretty much the only thing that is actually good about some shotguns. Also, most shotguns already have a lot of spread. This is just gonna make shotguns another bad weapon More reasons above
  19. Neutral support -While I do agree this SCP is pretty useless, no one ever gets on it and I'm pretty sure scientists don't test on him either, this SCP is a PAIN to recontain, it is literally harder to recontain than 682 as you have to be coordinated with other foundation's staff to circle him with fire extinguisher. Which is well, pretty hard
  20. As you can see here, the E-11 PA button is level 0. It normally should be level 4 so can anyone fix this before a minge spams the PA? Just found out that all of Gate B's button inside the facility are level 0 too, so fix that aswell for level 3
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