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Everything posted by Rito

  1. +Support -The player seems to have a lot of Staff experience, if he is saying the truth. -The application is well made I have not had much experiences with this person, but despite being new, the applicant shows promise. That is, if the player is not lying about his Staff experience. My support may change at any time, based on other people's point of view.
  2. Wish you luck and get better soon!! But don't push yourself, if you don't feel good, it's better not to come back, Health comes before games.
  3. Yeah, to me this seems like a common mistake. I've watched the evidence and it's honestly hard to determine if it really was on purpose or not. But, guessing that this player is pretty new to the server, I will say +Support, tought my support might change.
  4. +Support -Active -Good application -Was previously command and has eperiences in almost every branches
  5. +Support -Previously was OS in Maintenance -Was on the server for a long while -Active -Good Application
  6. +Support -Active -Good App -Applicant seems fit for ACM
  7. +Support -Active medical research member
  8. The ULX rank is the rank you have on the tab menu, e.g Platinum, bronze, gold and all. Anyway, +Support -The person is pretty new, yes, but the application seems pretty good -The applicant has a lot of knowledge of the SCP world -Pretty active Due to this person being pretty new to the server, I think we should give it a chance. My support may change at any time.
  9. -Support -Too unfair for the SCP -Pretty annoying to get your Self breaching process stopped and wait 15 minutes NLR just because someone pulled a mannequin out of their ass
  10. Rito

    Dempsy Player Report

    To be honest, from what I've seen in these 3 clips, excluding the first clip, it seems like you didn't tried to avoid Dempsy by for example instead of going to D-Block, I don't really see how it could be counted as harassment since he didn't really follow you anywhere but in security bunks for some reasons. This seems much more like mingery from Dempsy than Harassment. -Support for removing from a CC +Support for a warn, verbal or formal for Fail RP should be enough since he entered Security bunks
  11. +Support -Hell yeah, Old armory was just the best, it was useful for tryouts and brings an atmosphere, it also used to be defended by D-Class during riots and really just added another thing to do as D-Class then just escaping or roaming the facility.
  12. What are you suggesting? - To make it night time again on surface, it used to be but now it's day time again How would this change better the server? - The sun is hella bright, it's like a mini flashbang, with night, surface is smooth and playable Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  13. -Support I simply do not think Dogs can be trusted with ET powers. As well as being quite new to the community.
  14. +Support At first, I was gonna -Support that, but I just had 3 riot controls camping elevator, with their automatic shotguns, it is literally impossible to even kill one of them. Their shotgun is too OP, and they need more restrictions due to that. If riots controls wouldn't be allowed to go past the barricade, that would be just fine. Cuz riot controls camping the elevator literally goes to some point where it's not even fun anymore being on D-Class, constantly getting gunned down as you go down an elevator, hoping to kill at least 1 which is impossible.
  15. So, I don't know if SMT can fix this, I think it's probably the Owner that can fix this, but the posts's views are broken, even if people look at your post, it'll say 0 views. for example, certain posts has like 10 replies but 0 views. From newer posts that is
  16. Hey! Bored of rioting in D-Block alone? Not being coordinated with other D-Class and no support? Join the D-Class Union gang, the best and the most active D-Class gang as of for now, to join, simply join the D-Class Union server by joining our Discord server (Link provided below) , it is an Official GL server owned by SMT. Our gang, is the most advanced and active gang currently on the server, we have a full Chain of command, we have active High council members, you can also find out when Reznov tryouts are happening in this server, when a spot is open. Reznovs automatically gets High Council on the server and are one of the best CCs on the server. We also are always helping D-Class escaping, in many ways. Either by causing mass riots, buying Guns on D-Class Supplier, or giving money to buy weapons and minerals at the Workbench. If you have any questions concerning the D-Class Union, go up to any High council members, or any other experienced members of the Union. Discord link to join the Union: https://discord.gg/yQZsawtra5
  17. https://discord.gg/QFywkAnV There you would need to request roles if you either have a CC/ Any D-Class specialties such as Scavenger, Pro Class D, Class D expert etc.
  18. +Support -Monika has matured a lot, leaving behind him his mingy past, I believe that we can now trust him with such responsibility, he is also very creative and has a lot of imagination which would make him a really good and useful event team member
  19. Rito


    Ah yes, a man of culture.
  20. Just join Union of D-Class discord, best D-Class gang, and it's an Official GL server.
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