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Everything posted by MiniLeopard

  1. +Support Gensec bunks was in d block before the map change and I wouldn't mind seeing it back.
  2. +Support I hate when people use their voice against them
  3. Cogs would make a great senior moderator!
  4. -Support It has been on the sniper job for a long time, ever since enlisted got the umps which was a while ago -_- I think there is a better way then just "Remove it/Change it"
  5. It could look a little nicer but I don't want the old one back
  6. ʇɹoddnS+ Crabbo has been in A1/Omi-9 for the longest time.
  7. +Support, as long as he doesn't get a stun stick I am fine with it
  8. +Support Phill is a great staff member, he would make a great senior admin.
  9. +Support Kami would make a great LCMD member for Omi9 but she is kinda cringe
  10. +Support I wouldn't mind seeing October in Omi9 Low command but I am not sure about High command
  11. +Support If Happy doesn't get it I will be surprised because Happy is one of the best Omi command I have seen, even in A1 he was a good command member.
  12. -Support You have had a bad past that got your reserves removed
  13. 1. Steam Name?: Mini [GL] 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:47644701 3. Roster Name?: Mini 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: April 11th 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 5 - 6 months 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Yes 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I think I should be SCMD because I am always trying to make security a better branch, I am always talking with HCMD to see what could be better or improved with security, I always treat everyone with the same respect that I would want and I am on the server almost every day so I am pretty active. I am also good at giving out fair punishments to people and never go over the top, I have also been in security since I have joined this server and it will probably be the only branch I stick with. Also, I have been a CPT with a couple of months now so I have a lot of experience with being a command member and I know the SOP and sever rules very well. I am also very good with documents so as SCMD I could help make RCF/FTO documents look better and have fewer errors in them. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: First I would give him a verbal and remind him that he needs NCO+ permission to leave d block, If he carried on doing it I would take him back to bunks and let him know that he is being demoted back to trainee and needs to be retrained. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: I would give the NCO a verbal and remind them that they need a good reason like going to med-bay when they need healing or going to armoury If they didn't stop I would talk to them in TS and let them know they are getting a strike and let them know why. If they didn't stop I would demote them and tell them why. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: I would ask them to leave d block and let them know that E-11 are not allowed in here if they didn't listen I would put an AOS on them and report them to their command with evidence that I collected. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: I would get the NCO in TS so it would be easier to talk and to make sure they are in the TS, I would ask if they have a forums account and if they didn't I would let them know they need to make one, then I would link them the NCO guide and read them through it, after that I would teach them that they can do hands-up and partial lock down on a DEFCON 3 and if needed give them my binds for it, I would let them know that they can now be trained for FTO/RCF and tell them who can train them, I would also tell them that they can now apply for command when WO apps open up. After all that I would get them to change their in-game name to match their rank and get them to request their tags in the discord and change their discord nickname, then I would give them their whitelist.
  14. +Support No one involved made the sit, it was a third party person. I spoke to Myth and he said he was fine with it and didn't make a sit
  15. Cornbread no ):< why do you do this
  16. -Support Just add a rule where they are not allowed to make a small gap. Like "The gap has to be at least a 2x2 plate" or something like that
  17. +/-Support, Leaning towards + He can easily spy on CI "But a rule could be changed so he can't say anything" In lore he stays in the foundation
  18. +/-Support I am all for new weapons but might be a lot of work for SMT
  19. Name: Mini Rank: CPT Current FTO Rank: SFTO Current RCF Rank: XRCF Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I believe I should keep my rank because I am pretty active on the server and I treat everyone with the same respect no matter the rank and I try my best to make security a better branch, I am always looking out for the newer players and making sure they can improve on themselves, I am also good at commanding people when needed "Like when we lose d block" I am also a good role model that people can look up to. I have also been in command for a while now and I am the oldest low command member so I believe I have the most experience and I have been in security since day one of joining the server because I enjoy being in the branch and love helping it grow, I also enjoy the people in security so I hope I can carry on working with them. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: ):<
  20. -Support Orange did nothing wrong But I can understand why people get confused because he is a rarely played SCP
  21. -Support Just ask staff but they should have the grav gun, that would be cool
  22. These are all the drinks you can type into 294 and get something back from it "WARNING: These drinks can be removed if SMT remove them" so if you find one that doesn't work please let me know. Steel Sem Black corrosive liquid Metal Cider Pain Cola Amnesia Agony Gold UwU Igneous Hoovy Champagne Op Carrot Sadness 106 Ethanol liquid Rang Meme Unhappiness Oil Hl2 LSD Death Stone SCP 106 Defcon 1 Vodka Rhum Pickle Protege Magma Radioactive Mourning Old man Strange matter Doomslayer Semen Life Grieving Carrot Juice Beer O5 Lava Sulfuric acid Aktus Superfluid helium Peggu 49 Painkill Spirit Chocolate Liquid Helium Air Lemon fanta Alcohol Ethanol Iron Blood I would add what they do but what would be the fun in that? I recommend trying: Igneous, Rang and UwU
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