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Everything posted by MiniLeopard

  1. We missed you Technical forums
  2. 1. What is your Ingame Name: Mini 2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:47644701 3. Rank: Medic 4. Time on server: 4 Weeks 5. Total strikes ever received: 0 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 1 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Creamey/FWS Jack 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 5 9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): I believe I would make a great ACM because I have a lot of experience in combat and healing. Most of my combat skills are from being a CPT in security and I normally play medics on other games because I enjoy being the support role. I also think becoming an ACM would help security a lot because I would be able to heal people when needed during d class riots. 10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do? I would heal the CPL first because I believe being a medic/healer comes first, then after healing the CPL I would follow the CPT to help him out. After the fight I would heal everyone who needed it.
  3. +/-Support It should not be perma. From what I have heard it was just for that but I hope/don't believe it was.
  4. +Support I don't think they need a warn by CI do need a talking to, I have notice CI getting worse with stuff
  5. Yeah it will "slowly" kill you over time. Sometimes if you move with/against them it will not hurt you but other times it will. Here is a video of it happening: https://streamable.com/5so4dm
  6. +Support - Well known - 0 Warns - Nice person I think Poptarts would make a great staff member
  7. +Support Security has around 22 jobs I think so it would be nice to have less but maybe get new ones in the future #200th post
  8. Most likely the reason but when they are on it is a pain to deal with
  9. -Support Don't get me wrong I would love to nerf CI/s but it has been denied twice so I don't think it will happen
  10. This has never happen to me but hopefully it can be fixed
  11. +Support I notice that, I don't understand why there isn't one
  12. They probably forgot to add it to DoC because there wasn't one when Omi-9 was made I think
  13. -Support med-bay need something to do/defend themselves.
  14. -Support Peggu shouldn't be server warned as this has already been handle
  15. I don't know about your TS room but in security at the bottom it says: But +Support to make life easier
  16. If I am not wrong SMT already know about this and can't really be fixed unless we remove his teleport
  17. MiniLeopard

    Ban Appeal

    ^^^ It is down to staff, the handbook just helps staff. As long as it isn't super harsh. It doesn't matter if you didn't say a persons name, you shouldn't be saying "Your mom" in OOC. But for now I will be +/-Support until Blight responds because you are saying you didn't LTAP. +Supportish He should keep the warn but only for player diss and un-banned From what I have seen the player did not LTAP. But if he did then keep the ban/warn
  18. +/-Support From what I have seen/Seen in the comments I can't fully say yes or no.
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