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Everything posted by Propane

  1. Well someone used it on CI, possibly many times now
  2. It's gonna be sad to see you go, you've been in command for as long as I remember. Also... Your is possessive, the correct form here would be you're
  3. When I stole every single prop from EZ
  4. +support You can move and stab a knife You cant move and fire a gun
  5. Propane

    Gensec NLR - Denied

    This is for RCF and CC's... RCF doesnt mainly deal with d class, CC's can be very powerful +support
  6. To add to that statement, you cant use strategy when cornered by 50 d class who just bought a knife
  7. Name: Propane Rank: Researcher Callsign: R07 Date of LOA Leave/Return: May 12 2020 Reason (if private write N/A): I've been having some mental/physical health issues mixed in with family life and my piling up school work I can't find much time to get on the server and write test logs. I may reduce my LOA time depending on what happens.
  8. -support I dont think that there should be so many classes with 200 200 +support for 200 175
  9. What you want to see? - A new 173 model Why should we add it? - This model looks 10x better than the current one What are the advantages of having this? - Unlike the current one which is invisible to some, this is not Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1649365664
  10. The thing is, you cant force people to stay on the server. Unless they broke the MOTD they should be allowed to leave
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