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Everything posted by Propane

  1. Once you breach an SCP you're basically doomed ^
  2. +support Breaching SCP's shouldn't be reserved for just donators as a d class
  3. -support Knife fun, it fast, yay gensec die
  4. Actually he has a good point, if you're an unarmed d class, MTF can't shoot you if 939 is around.
  5. +support I really hate how peolle say " CI hAS cuStOM ClaSSeS so wHY caN't wE haVe OP weAPoNs????"
  6. /generalsecurityforsitezerofivegeneralcommunicationnetwork
  7. To add upon that I can say this, unless theres over 10 people in a raid we all usually die before leaving
  8. But when E11 and CI try to enter will they just be attackee
  9. So basically what will happen is when CI/E11 try to enter the facility assuming this SCP spawns in breached, they will just lose a ton of HP and armor -/+ support
  10. Aren't you a CPL? You can just ask an FTO to train you.
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