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Everything posted by Rabbit

  1. Rabbit

    Bionicle's LOA

    What dose 4/23-5/2 mean? ????23-5??????
  2. What you want to see? - New 173 model Why should we add it? - Igneous showed me this model and yes! What are the advantages of having this? - Not copyrighted and look great, no down sides Some people may say its cringe they though people forget SMT has to look at it too! Who is it mainly for? - every one Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2049117465
  3. Gunther is 100% right, its two CI CC's. It's a automatic shotgun, if you get in its face your going to have a bad day, but if you walk way and take it from range their going to have a bad day. -support
  4. +Support CI was looking for an excuse to kidnap more Engineers
  5. +Support But some swep's will probably some funky things to people who are cuffed.
  6. Alfabusa is a CC someone paid money for that skin, if anythings the branch leaders should know better than to use a CC skin
  7. +support Remove the damage drop off form all the snipers that are not automatic
  8. Some time is needed to see how the change will affect the server Is you want to chill with Gensec you still got 131 A/B and 343
  9. Fuck that this man should get Owner Maybe he was buy it for a dollar?
  10. Frist come on guys we're triggering the old man's PTSD. Now Gunther is the only mtf that has posted on here so he's getting picked to shit . I 100% agree anytime CI or MTF get something the opposition loses their shit. . And MTF dose hold a Monopoly when it comes to M9k weapons, so they are going to have the biggest push back. . But let's talk about how much fun it is to sit around wait 20 mins for a raid only to get blown up by a Nitro or bombed to death by 6 other explosive specialist. In the end of the day it come down to fun and I dont know about you guys but CI would much rather fight on surface than go into the foundation and face M9k weapons in Close Quarters. I already know where this is going to go so I'l just put in a request for that orbital strike for Alpha operatives and call it balance the gameplay after all they only have 100 50
  11. Easy fix and it would help prevent people power gaming as staff would know exactly why they're putting on thermals. Side note Honestly they shouldn't be calling thermals for CI unless they see an infiltrator.
  12. That would work, D-class are not allowed to spawn props anyways so taking the pys gun away wouldn't effect their RP is anyway. The only people it would effect would be staff on Dclass when someone gets stuck but that's a meh problem.
  13. any time CI ask for stuff to get nerf or gets a buff to turns into a fight, which is fine, just means I have to talk to some branch leaders
  14. If they dealt 100 damage to themselves or team mates thats intent and dancing around the rules. . I love it when people try to pull this out in staff sits though Big fat +support While I'm here. If your arguing over the definition of suicide bombing or trying to make this a branch vs branch issue, I would like to remind you this is a Suggestion keep things on topic
  15. -Support You guys don't even have an SOP, as a result no one here knows what you guys can and can't be doing as of now . Also I don't care if their "05 gang" Medical and Researchers have no reason to be changing Defcon leave that up to E11 and Nu7 other wise toe's are going to be stepped on What do you mean by this? use them as test subjects or Order them to help with tests? I'm ok with 6 or 8 but not 10 and only if there are limits put in place like they can only be on when 05 are on and have to be around 05 at all times. But really you guys should be working on an SOP outlining what your job is and how your going to do it, instead of coming up with new ideas for your branch
  16. How about start by fixing this SWEP should he can actually hit things? It's you know its broken when people can beat 682 to death with Melee weapons (Hell someone claim they killed 682 as D-class with their fist)
  17. -Support Omi should handle this because they are the Anti CI and they already have the people trained for it. . Also you guys should make an SOP before you guys start making any real changes to your branch
  18. As a staff member whos been around before the big fat green line this is 100% true . But if their is so much hate for the green line a re-work of the Gensec SOP would be handly. Make it so they have to 100% cross it or something along that line (Ha i make a funny :P) Other wise the "O i didn't technically cross the line.. RDM! RDM!" sits will come back. -Side note lets add some yellow around that red line so it doesn't look so silly. Edit I just realized I quoted the wrong part. You guys probly till see my point though.
  19. Noted Moving to Archive do not comment
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