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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. -Support (I am the staff member that issued you the warning) I issued you a formal warning of FailRP due to you jumping off of the cliff while you were handcuffed. I also don't see why you would roleplay a situation where you would jump off anyway.
  2. What in particular is happening in this video?
  3. of all things..., I did not expect for you to turn around and show an entire fighter jet... I'm so done lmao
  4. +Support Admin who delivered the warn confirmed it was false.
  5. Interesting... see ya around
  6. Look at the forums, or go on my phone usually.
  7. I don't know one brand of hot sauce
  8. Jayden


    Better than Whales and Birds one hundo p
  9. Jayden


    I can't choose between da Bird and da Whale
  10. man that's a lot of blood
  11. I was online and didn't make it.....(pissed) Of course of all people, the priest had to be Alex lmao (*spells Priest wrong*)
  12. +Support - Active - Friendly - Knowledgeable on the MOTD - Good application The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team. Brandon has been a part of the Gaminglight Community as long as I have, and wants to help and give back. I believe he deserves a shot at staff. I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon. Good luck Brandon!
  13. Jayden

    Killer's LOA

    Noted, please message me if you need an extension or an early dismissal.
  14. +Support - Active - Mature - 0 warnings - Previous PoliceRP Staff The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team. Cole is a good guy who has good intentions and was previously PoliceRP staff. I believe he deserves a shot! I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon. Good luck Cole!
  15. +Support - Active - Knowledgeable on the MOTD - Previously staff - Good application The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team. SupremeChow is a longtime member of GamingLight who wants to help the players that helped him. I believe he deserves a shot on our staff team. I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon. Good luck SupremeChow!
  16. Jayden

    RIP elapin

    That is hilarious rip
  17. Great guy as well, Good luck Jack Hugs!
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