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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. In the near future you'll see the CC I have planned
  2. When did you come to the community?
  3. Couldn't imagine one more department honestly
  4. My AWP is all I need. Packs a punch
  5. :(( I'll miss DS Killer
  6. Jayden

    Rocco Rex LOA

    Noted, please message me if you need an extension or an early dismissal.
  7. +Support - Active in TS - Good staff member - Helpful - Friendly Solomon would make a great Support Team Member. Good luck Solomon!
  8. +Support would be a good help for Dispatch.
  9. Jayden

    Warn appeal- Denied

    You're saying that you realize it was your bad and that you owned up to it, so you agree that the warn is valid?
  10. Many many people have been warned for Breaching Priority Rules. I remember you telling me that you are fairly new to the community. This could explain why you've never seen anyone get warned for this before. It is located on the MOTD as number 5 if you have questions as to what it is so you know for future reference! If you have any questions please PM me on the forums!
  11. My Side: Originally SupremeLord told me that he had fled from the traffic stop because he had a class 3 weapon in possession. This was already clearly a breach of priority rules but then he continued on to claim that he fled because he wanted to avoid the risk of getting a ticket. You cannot just flee a traffic stop without the officer having even mentioned tickets to begin with. If he claims he is going to issue the ticket, or already has issued it then that is different, but the officer didn't even get the chance to do this because SupremeLord had already ran. There is no way SupremeLord could have known that he was going to be issued a ticket anyway... for all he knew the officer could have given him nothing but a verbal warning. I also want to point out that if running to avoid a ticket was allowed, then literally every single traffic stop would end up becoming a pursuit. That would give every player an excuse to run because realistically, there is always a risk of getting a ticket. Therefore I issued SupremeLord a formal warning for Breaching Priority Rules. Also, I understand that in real life, criminals would run away for anything. I sincerely do understand that but we have rules in place, and the reason for this is because if we didn't have these rules then traffic stops would simply be non-existent. Everyone would just simply run. We don't want that.
  12. Good guy as well, Good luck Killer!
  13. -Support - I've never seen you on the server before Your application is good and you're a former staff member with experience but activity is what it really comes down to. If I saw you on the server more, my opinion would change. Good luck Flash!
  14. Going back to Truenorth for a bit :(((((
  15. gonna be honest, I can't even think about another Gov department lmao
  16. +Support - Active - Great application - Helpful - Dedicated The reasons above are why I believe you should be promoted to Senior Admin. Ender is always willing to help, and is mature when he has to be. Senior Admin is a huge step but I believe it is a change that you are definitely capable of handling. I hope to see you as a Senior Admin soon. Good luck Ender!
  17. Jayden

    utetwo's LOA

    Noted, please message me if you need an extension or an early dismissal.
  18. +Support I don't believe this should be considered taser rush.
  19. Jayden

    Alpha's LOA

    Noted, please message me if you need an extension or an early dismissal.
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