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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. Jayden

    Frog's LOA

    I shall miss you on the server
  2. Jayden


    For me it's 3:49 AM but I'm chillin!
  3. It's all about Gaminglight's PoliceRP
  4. I'm catching up with The Walking Dead after a break that was years long. I'm loving it!
  5. It was great patrolling with you! Wish you the best in what comes next!
  6. Jayden

    I was rdm'ed

    How does that even happen
  7. That's a lot of bullets
  8. -Support I agree with Masterson on this one. If the crim just swims circles in the water while they are unarmed, government would be chasing them around for ages with no way to stop them.
  9. Wish you the best in what comes next I remember when you were a great Apprentice, you went really far. It was great watching you climb!
  10. +Support If this is something that can actually be fixed then hallelujah.
  11. Skyline is definitely the best handling car
  12. Jayden


    Thanks for the memories Solomon. Wish you the best in what comes next!
  13. Your In-game: Jayden Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126729513 The player's name in-game: John cockman The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:43738519 What did the player do: 40 Formal Warnings on PoliceRP Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent Ban Any extra information: N/A
  14. -Support I don't see any of this as a violation of the Staff Handbook, which is what Staff Reports are primarily made for.
  15. He's talking about the normal Truck Driver job....
  16. +Support I believe that SMT is already working on this.
  17. what a classic lmao such a sick edit (as usual)
  18. Jayden

    BRUH ima dip

    Wish you the best pal Make sure to hop on every now and then!
  19. Jayden

    Hobo music

    I use Soundpad, very simple to use.
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