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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. +Support Has Experience Great VCMDR -Support Not as active as a VCMDR should be for its battalion Isn't filling his role with doing the Rosters, Hasn't filled out roster in days as its mostly outdated
  2. Doom VFR does suck and Doom Eternal is a great game
  3. Also so let's put it this way. You guys when you have a hostage at your base. You set up defenses, guard the entrance of your base set up explosives. Thats because you know MTF will EVENTUALLY come. So then why cant we sit there Advert or not and prepare for when you EVENTUALLY raid?
  4. That's why I specifically stated the Activity part if my application. I planned on actually playing but IRL shit came up and I got removed due to inactivity. Now that IRL is no longer in the way I can focus on the game and actually show activity.
  5. Her application is literally RP...... +support
  6. Beanz NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'll always remember when we were both Tech Managers, and Lead Engineers. I can't believe you're leaving man Maybe when you come back we can make Technical a lone branch again? Also I'll see you on HLPR bot right? I love you LOADS man see you around.
  7. Mike.#0231 Honest man, I've had to deal with this in family members before. We're a community here we stick with each other. Im available, talk to me whenever. Just dont give up alright? Look up in life people here actually enjoy talking to you you're a fun person. I hate to say this but if you really need it get professional help but if you dont wanna turn to that I understand, you can always come to me I will always be able to talk to you but please remember. Myself and a lot of people enjoy you here and it would be devastating to see you go or worse. Take this break, enjoy it, make it last and remember. You have a lot of people here for you.
  8. In Game Name: Mike Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:0:209339952 Discord Name (Bread#0001): Mike.#0231 When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): Around 2 Years ago Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): I would like to be Nu7 because throughout my time on the server I have always enjoyed the combat branches, especially MTF. The aspect of being able to recontain SCPs, Kill CI, Kill D-Class, and save the site have always made me enjoy my time on the server. I know I now have a reputation of being inactive but that was because life had gotten in the way, now I can provide better than what is expected of me to excel in Nu7 as well as MTF as a whole. I also understand that I will be representing the Branch the moment I get on a job and I promise to represent it in a well mannered way showing others that Nu7 are better than just a mingy, non-serious battalion. I am ready to show respect to my higher ups and follow the rules of our SOP if given the chance. I also will require very little in training, I will only require to take the Test and Trigger Discipline. I already know the site like the back of my hand and I know how to RC SCPs so those wont need to be covered. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): I used to be Nu7 CMDR, E11 VCMDR, CI Research Administrator, Technical Manager, CI SGT, GENSEC SFC, and Senior Medic (All past ranks) Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Due to some changes I will now be as active as needed on SCP-RP and I will perform even better than what is expected.
  9. [GL] Mike


    -Support Has a good goal but app is very short and not detailed Also thats not the right SteamID. States he can be Active too many times and doesnt really go over his other qualitys well.
  10. +Support Once CMO gets picked in time for your app to get accepted. Slots are full right now so I guess this is postponed until then.
  11. @AzirWhat about the JPs who are in Cobra Squad? Will they receive the whitelist or will they be stuck without a purpose until AM?
  12. Busch is very helpful, he has been ever since I joined Naval.
  13. It's the model. Kami had a research CC that did the same thing and after she changed the model it fixed itself.
  14. I understand it may have been an event but there is a clear rule in the MOTD saying do not Riot or Revolt its also a rule in the GM Guidelines to never make a trooper go rouge. 2 Rules were broken in this scenario on both sides (The Event Hosts Side and The Troopers Side)
  15. Rex is well known in a good way, Sure the app is short but with the answers provided I can tell he would do well as a Staff member
  16. All CC's follow an SOP If you paid for a CI CC you follow CI SOP If you paid for a MTF CC you follow Nu7 SOP If you paid for a E11 CC You follow E11 SOP If you paid for a Security CC you follow the security SOP Its in the rules, +Support for NLR
  17. +Support From the little I know about Marv he is a good guy. I havent heard of anyone having a bad experience with him
  18. SIMs are available to every battalion and they can be arranged at any time. Also the DS-01 has a kill house any branch can use for sparring. It already exists so -Support
  19. Same with mine I just went from 47 to 43 if there is a way to fix this my Steam Name is: Mike My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209339952
  20. Rice was very nice to talk too and he talked how he would help out both Branches involved with SO so I'd love to see him in action.
  21. - Great Events Idea - Knows how to use ULX well
  22. Used to be NCO Wants to join the coolest squad. +Support
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