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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. It literally says "Not meant to be OP if you think this is too expensive then this is obviously not meant for you" It's meant to show support to the community not be used to kill people in 2 or 3 Hits. -Support
  2. Just keep the models the same BUT add Surgeon to Rescue Squadron so that 2LT+ can use the Officer one and CPL+ can use the Surgeon one.
  3. Bringing back A1 would allow so much of a wider prospect of Ideas. ImperialRP actually has TWO branches that do these things (That being Death Troopers and Royal Guard) Now both require training (one is donator) but they both have ZERO minges and perform their jobs well. Now dont get this wrong I am NOT comparing the two servers but the arising issue with A1 was that it was a SF with easy tryouts so all you have to do is make those harder. Make it feel special with getting it. (Also code of silence with RG and DT is enforced until MAJ+ or Senior Lore Guard+ so keep that in mind) Tryouts for DT are simple but done in a way that makes them hard: Info about the branch - (Explain the branch, what they do the lore behind them, and their clearance) Faces - (Each is one strike if wrong) Formations - (10 Seconds to complete one if done wrong it's one strike) Trigger Discipline - (One Mag will be done at normal distance with the tryout host walking, The other mag will be up close with the tryout host running) Questions - (Using the info that you explained in part one ask them questions about the branch, see if they have good memory) PvP - (Finally have them face the lowest ranking A1 on-site in a PvP situation, It's up to the trainer to fail them on this) Conclude the tryout - (Read them the SOP go over any questions then whitelist them) This tryout is a one strike meaning if they mess up ONCE they fail, get killed, and may come to the next tryout. I feel this would make the branch very limited and away from minges making sure only people that know what they are doing make it in, making it better for Site Administration as a whole. I'm neutral on PK's but they'd be nice to have back regardless of being used or not. A1 may not come back because of "activity" issues but Imperial can handle all of this. If we are more popular than we should be able to handle this.
  4. Shock has been getting more and more active. I feel with Shock activity combined with Naval (And even havoc) we'd be able to maintain minges from doing anything Major.
  5. +Support I see spaghetti on almost everyday for hours and he almost always exceeds every one else's expectations when it comes to leadership and performance in Medical. I think he would make a great VCMDR
  6. +Support Mikey isnt the most active NCO we have but he is competent and he is able to perform as a Officer very well (We know this as he is a admiral) so I believe he can be trusted as a Officer for Medical.
  7. (Last Response to not anger Forum Diplomats) I wasn't the first one to compare it to P. Fist, Zeus was. I'm more or less saying. All SF has their ADVANTAGE and DISADVANTAGE, Im just trying to find HSU's new disadvantage now that they aren't less powerful than CS and E4 which is what their previous disadvantage was.
  8. That still didn't really answer it. I understand that there can still be 6 but you're still taking away the less powerful aspect I just need to know the cons of this job because CS has 6 Slots and that isnt a Con, P Fist has One Slot and that isnt a con.
  9. Is there going to be any disadvantages to this class? For Say, Praexdas Fist is Slow with a lot of HP and CS Can't enter unless on a certain defcon. HSU has always been the less powerful SF so now that you are taking that away what is going to be a Con to this class making it fair for everyone else? I'm trying to figure this out because even the new E11 job can't flag up until Defcon Red and it has 5 Minute NLR.
  10. +Support everything BUT the HSU Changes. It's kinda ridiculous that you are getting a SCP and you also expect 2 New HSU jobs with OP weapons and abilities. If this happens E4 better get a slot increase to 8 or 10, This is just too powerful for CI and it's gonna make people uninterested in E11. Mossberg? Bal? AWP? and a Chainsaw? As well as 275, 175 with 3 Slots? Energy swords? This is SCP-RP not HaloRP it has it's own section of Garrys Mod. Overall: I can't really support the HSU changes but everything else looks good
  11. What do you want to see? - Cooldown changed from 20 Minutes to 10 Why should we add it? - Cooldown seems very long for trying to kill someone plus waiting 20 Minutes gets annoying especially when I have to advert "Denied (On Cooldown)" Every 3 Minutes. What are the advantages of having this? - People don't have to wait as long to place hits/BH can have a little bit more fun/Shock and Naval can arrest more people. Who is it mainly for? - Bounty Hunters + The people who place hits. (Also Naval and Shock get to arrest more people) Links to any content - N/A
  12. 1. Whats your in-game name and rank:(Ex: MC HS SNR CMDR Blarg 2512): MC SG RST SSGT Mike 1123 2: What's your timezone?: PST 3: Whats your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:209339952 4: Why do you want to be a medical officer?: I would like to be a medical officer because I see a lot about Medical that makes me want to help it, I used to be technical manager back on SCP-RP and I loved the RP of it, for this reason I wanna join the Medical Officer team to continue RP. I love the RP of this branch and I wanna help expand it from not only an Officer point of view, but the point of view of someone who has been an Officer in a strictly RP branch before and excelled at it. 5: What's your activity like on a scale from 1 to 10: (1 being terrible activity and 10 being on daily for a while): 9 6: Why should you be a medical officer?: I should be a medical officer because of my experience, activity, and leadership. I can be a fantastic leader especially when it is needed of me. I can lead Enlisted and NCOs well and in stressful situations, I also have the ability to lead when not being listened to. I have a loud voice, meaning I never really can be talked over by Enlisted and I can give out orders even when others are yelling/panicking. To expand on my activity I can be on Medical for 5-6 Hours a day and I can be constantly active daily to give Enlisted a reason to get on by being active and rewarding them for their activity. Finally my last quality is my experience, I was a Nu7 Commander, E11 Vice Commander, (Present) Naval Commander/Aviation Officer, and as stated before Technical Manager. 7: How well do you command other troopers?: I command other troopers extremely well, often being put in charge of teams during SIMs because of my leadership abilities. Not only can I lead well but I can be confident while doing so. I won't second guess myself or stutter when giving or even following an order. (Unless it breaks a rule of course) 8: Why should we accept your application over other applications?: You should accept my application over others for a few reasons. I will gloss over my other quality because I believe these are the main reasons why I should be accepted. These qualities again are my Leadership, Activity, and experience. I know I am repeating myself but I strongly believe this is what makes me have a better application over others as I have the qualities to make a great officer. 9: Extra: I know this isn't an actual part of the application but I wanted to state I know I am recently promoted to SSGT but I still believe I should at least be given a chance due to my past of being put into officer positions and doing a good job.
  13. Give it time. If you respond to it like this it'll most likely get denied.
  14. If the player did not know he was reported and he was never brought to a sit then he couldn't have left to avoid any type of punishment as he never knew he was going to be punished.
  15. I had to sit at Brig with Spice and deal with you guys for almost 2 Hours. You got banned early on for exploiting. Wait your time. Also player diss doesnt help your situation at all. Also you snitched on yourself https://medal.tv/clips/43883999/d1337JK0TiC5 You sit in the corner (Preventing Arrest) and You glitch through the map making you unarrest able for trespassing.
  16. I had to sit at Brig with Spice and deal with you guys for almost 2 Hours. You got banned early on for exploiting. Wait your time. Also player diss doesnt help your situation at all. Also you snitched on yourself https://medal.tv/clips/43883999/d1337JK0TiC5 You sit in the corner (Preventing Arrest) and You glitch through the map making you unarrest able for trespassing.
  17. + Has also been around for a bit
  18. Also would like to see you lead a little more as a NCO
  19. Coldsilver hunter DOESNT have the same model. They are different Tick custom made the model. Rho 36 uses it but its MTF so it doesnt matter and to add-on to that the owner of the CC was the one who fixed its hitboxes. Finally the EWU was my idea BB I even picked the model B) Everything looks good man great job. +Support
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