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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. In-game Name: Kade SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209339952 DiscordID: Mike.#0231 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 10/10 I've been a large SCP fan for a long time. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I should be in Chaos Insurgency due to my activity and my experience. I have plenty of time on not only Garry's Mod but RP servers as well. Having been on Gaminglight for nearly 3 years and being in multiple command positions. I also have nearly 6,000 Hours on Gmod and can be active nearly every single day from 12pm-8pm even earlier on some days. I can provide an active member of the team and can even help out members who are new to the server or the branch. I'm great at talking to people and can help out others if they need it. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: My activity and charisma would definetly set me apart. I can be on nearly 9 hours a day and I am always active on Discord and can be brought into TeamSpeak just by request. I also can be in game at a moments notice if needed. I am always available and all I need is a DM/Message to help with any issue. How active can you be?: I can be on every other day or every day. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.
  2. I 100% agree. It's "Semi-Serious" but that's still SEMI Serious. This is just kinda, not even close to a quarter serious.
  3. Your In-Game Name: Mike STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:209339952 How long have you been playing on the server for?: 3 Years Now. List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) : E-11 2LT What Command position are you applying for? (list two): CPT or LTCOL Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): I want to be Delta-5 command for a variety of reasons. Delta-5 is a new branch, meaning that relations between others are fresh, and non-hostile. I'd like to keep it this way while also maintaining a positive attitude myself. I want Enlisted, and NCOs to be able to talk to me with no worries that I may outlash towards them or use my power in a unproductive way and ruining their experience on the server and in Delta-5. I want to be the command member all others can talk to and trust I will keep my word on the situation while also not remaining bias towards that member. My job as a command member is to handle the branch in a manner where the High Command wont need to be involved. I should not have to contact them unless the situation is completely out of my control. I should also maintain a activity on the server and do trainings to keep the branch full with new faces and members ready to be active. Command also has a responsibility of keeping the branch active not only ourselves, so I am here to provide trainings, PTs, and fun activities to keep morale high. I am fully willing to work with members of the GM team and other command members so we can always have something to do for all of our members. Finally I am fully available at all times on Discord and for most of the day on Teamspeak and on Garry's mod. Having a constantly available command member is a great thing for a branch especially a new one that is coming off the ground and trying to get a stable standing in the middle of two more MTF branches. Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I feel I am the best option for the positions I've selected as I have the correct experience required to lead in them. Both positions are considerably high ranks in the branch so I know it's a lot for me to request I be put in place of them, but I am willing to prove myself in more ways I can count. I can do Document work, I can lead sub-battalions, I can handle situations between members of the branch or between members of our branch and another. Something I put pride in was my ability to handle situations between my battalion and another without causing relationship issues and maintaining a positive attitude throughout. In my time on this server I have figured out the best ways to communicate with others to the point to where miss-communication is never a issue and arguments are never started. I will be willing to prove myself in a position lower than what I applied for if needed but I believe I am ready to handle these spots. Why should we trust you for this position?: I have been in many command positions over my 3 years on this server. I've experienced it all and have considerably grown from this time on Gaminglight. I have 18 Weeks of playtime on the server and was in multiple High Command positions proving I can handle a Command position and I was responsible for a lot of changes in E-11 and Nu-7 in the past. While some stayed some were changed, I have provided hours of commitment to this server and im willing to do the same for the betterment of Delta-5 and it's growth as a new branch. Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): E-11 VCMDR, Nu-7 CMDR, 74th Medical VCMDR, Medical CPT, Technical Manager, CI RND RA, Omi-9 WO. You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: Chaos. Delta-5 Front Runners deal with the Insurgents over the D-Class, we would secure the SCP and hand it over to Nu-7, after which we would finish cleaning up the Chaos Insurgents and whatever mess the cause in hopes of preventing further destruction and chaos. I will then send men over to LCZ to help with D-Block if it is not under control yet. What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: I would first explain that the SOP is being broken and we need to follow it. If the SOP is continued to be broken I will issue PT to those breaking the rules and a Strike as a verbal was already issued. If they continue to break the rules I will issue another strike (Or based on severity) a removal. How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: I would first attempt explaining that they would need to join through a tryout and promotions would be done following cooldowns and on a earned basis. If they attempt to further bug me or attempt going to someone else I would speak with High Command and attempt to have the situation dealt with in a manner that causes the least issues for everyone. Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: I would first attempt to confirm this tip by having it reviewed and looked over. If the tip was about them attempting to breach the foundation I would increase security in the major parts of the facility as to prevent any major breaches or information leaks. I would then confirm the tip and report it to my higher command for further orders. Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: Yes.
  4. +Support Literally just a screenshot of DMs nothing bad No reason for a ban
  5. In Game Name: Mike Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:0:209339952 Discord Name (Bread#0001): Mike.#0231 When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 2 Years 8 Months ago Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): I would like to join Nu7 because in recent days I've been regaining my interest in SCP-RP. I would like to come back to Nu-7 to play on the server in one of my first branches, Nu-7 was easily one of the biggest branches when I joined and I wanna go back to helping that grow again. I wanna get back to Sergeant and help with tryouts eventually making it to officer and helping out by doing trainings and even more tryouts while also providing a active officer and someone who can be on almost every day. I remember how to recontain every SCP and im familiar to the maps and it's callouts so im not unexperienced either. I enjoy my time on the server and would love to join Nu7 and it's members again. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): E-11 VCMDR (Retired) / Nu-7 CMDR (Retired) / Tech Manager / CI RND Research Administrators (Retired) Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes
  6. Jakub wasnt banned for racism he was banned for being toxic
  7. He hasnt been on in a year so not having a warn or a ban since then makes sense. This is his only ban because its perm. He was banned for saying the N-Word in 2 or 3 Different situations which in retrospect makes sense one of them being in the crash screen making it mass racism. Now while I do like second chances he already had his having that been his 3RD TIME saying it, he wasnt punished for the first 2 but he decided to push his luck and he got punished for it. Costco I can understand the whole its been a year thing but you had 3 strikes and because of that you were punished. We all know it wasnt your "sister" who sent the message it was you. -Support as he had 2 Chances before his ban was issued. You need to do this before I +Support
  8. -Support. The point of having youtubers playing on our server is so that they bring new people to the server. You being a nuisance to them or being dumb in their DMs doesnt only make you look bad it makes the server look bad. If Pixel had reported you to the SMT team then they will take action as your actions reflect the community. It's obvious Pixel thought you were being a "nuisance" if he reported you therefore I believe the ban is valid.
  9. As far as im aware it's only a issue if someone reports them for RDM/It's clear the people dont wanna be killed? RDM is just a term for randomly killing people without them being okay with it so if the SF are okay with it I dont see it as a issue.
  10. Im gonna be honest guys... NG6A isnt really racist, it's not trying to go around any censorship. Im gonna have to +support this until more is provided. Also while advertising a player report is frowned upon it's really only Applications for positions and staff which aren't allowed.
  11. Staff who warned him said it's false. +support
  12. -Support, isnt taking the report seriously. He obviously doesn't care about the results of this post All of what was said above and this reason.
  13. [GL] Mike

    goodbye 2

    He tried to resign like all the other people!1!1111!
  14. Yeah I agree, if Medical is getting it's stuff removed then might as well remove this now right better than make a post later?
  15. Elite DT is Level 3 Clearance and DT aren't even allowed to use it as a extra job to play on, Medical Droid isn't TECHNICALLY medical and isnt able to order around people in medbay as it's not actually medical. It's not even allowed in the surgery room cause it's not SGT+ so it needs permission.
  16. -Support for now, I'm sorry but it is NOT Anti-Semitism for saying "Kill the child" as a matter of fact I have said the before with MULTIPLE SMT around and I wasn't punished in the slightest. Edit- Support now neutral due to what was said but people have said worse and gotten even a verbal to formal, never seen a perm for something small. (I know it's TECH not SMALL but it isn't the worst. Even Racism is 1 week.)
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