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Everything posted by JackOG

  1. What is your in-game name?: JackOG What is your steam name?: JackOG What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:511658441 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I do not have any other staffing experience. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I started playing roughly around the middle of July. What date did you make your forums account? I made my forums account August 15th. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 10 warns. I would like to admit and say, I did join and play this server without a actual intent to roleplay on the server, I apologize for this and I wish to be given a second chance as I have realized the real qualities and experiences this server holds. https://gyazo.com/d25b8184443a1ce7a226ff275692dfb0 Have you donated? Yes I have, 20 dollars. What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? I am not. Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes I have read it multiple times. Timezone: PST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Well, I personally believe that I deserve the rank for a multitude of reasons. The primary reasons are the following, my extensive knowledge of the MOTD and Staff Handbook, my activity, and the maturity/friendliness I have. To start off, I will elaborate on my knowledge regarding the Staff Handbook and MOTD. I, many times, have read the Staff Handbook making sure I know most every detail, to ensure I know what I am doing and I am prepared to take on this position if my application is accepted. Reading this as well as the MOTD making sure when I call sits I know the exact rule break being broken and that it is valid, accompanied by evidence so I do not waste the staff members time. Now my activity, I try to the best of my abilities, to attend and play the server at least everyday, while I may not be on all day during weekdays, I will for sure be on the server during weekends, as that is when I have the most of my free time. I understand that staffing is above roleplay and I will make sure before I play criminal or roleplay on government, I clock time in as staff. Finally, I believe to be the most important part of staffing, friendliness. This is very vital as a staff member, you represent the community and you can be the reason a player either stays on the community or leaves. I will always be friendly and welcoming to all players that join Gaminglight. Treating everyone fairly, this is assisted and helped by my maturity, making a good example of Gaminglight and the Staff Team itself. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would assess the situation, after bringing the person to the sit and informing them of why they are here and what rule was violated, seeing they had no intent to respect the staff on the server that devote their time to ensuring the happiness of players on the server, I would give the player multiple warnings to stop or face harsher punishment than before. If that player refuses to stop, I will gag them, inform they are being warned for MassRDM NITRP Staff Diss and then I would tell them that they were being minged for 10,000 seconds and while in that period of time please read the MOTD by doing !motd. Then I would call a Admin+ to issue the minge and I would return to taking sits.
  2. I dont think that is a excuse to kill a citizen afk in spawn.
  3. +Support Evidence is very clear. @ViperKimg Please post your side of the story.
  4. +Support Evidence clearly shows him abusing his powers off duty. I feel like he should be spoken too.
  5. -Support Please make sure there is credible evidence worthy of a ban on the server.
  6. +Support Obviously has hit the warn limit, up to the manager to issue it
  7. Finally, "but in a good way" - CrawlingBlackSkin
  8. If you have a GTX graphics card it comes with an amazing "Shadow Play" feature that you can install using GeForce Experience
  9. As long as it doesnt cause any issues, lag related and such. I see that VCmod on its own is extremely buggy at times. I do feel it would be a great addition +Support
  10. -Support As I cant really state from experience, I will base my opinion off of others.
  11. -Support From what other people say, this has already been suggested, and denied. Semi-serious server.
  12. I dont know if we can get a sustained player base, maybe we should just stick with what we have currently, and deal with any possible new server ideas later.
  13. Wow, you seem very dedicated to the server, I wish to be dedicated to the server as well and maybe some time I might apply for staff. After understanding the servers rules by heart and understanding the player base. Thank you for all you have done for SCP-RP!
  14. Oh thats my bad, im a bit new to the server. Im sorry.
  15. Lets no argue guys, lets put our input in and stay at that. Any conversations could be taken to PM's. Thank you!
  16. JackOG

    OLD warn

    You need to locate to the Warn Appeal format located in the "Report Center" section at the top. (forum diplomat please delete)
  17. Im going to remain neutral on this
  18. +Support Player has hit over 40 warns, up the Manager+ to issue this ban
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