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Everything posted by JackOG

  1. -Support I dont believe there is sufficient evidence to back up what you are saying.
  2. I dont know exactly if this in intentional or not, but I think that pro lockpicks should be able to lockpick handcuffs.
  3. -Support I believe that if SMT removed it, then there was probably a reason for it. I would believe SMT would not just remove things for no reason, especially things that seem to be this appealing to players. (edit: I dont know why the red text wont undo)
  4. -/+ Support Seems very odd, SMT needs to look into it.
  5. You can test drive specific cars to get a feel of the traction and speed the car packs.
  6. An issue I am seeing frequently on the forums is that people are so quick to respond to a post with a -/+ support and they dont even read the entire post and watch the video. It CLEARLY states in the motd that if the officer is distracted you CAN try to make an escape. Its simple and its provided in the video. To people -Supporting saying its failrp to run in cuffs, it is if the cop is right there with you, but if they are distracted they can run. -/+Support From what I see in the video, John Kill used his powers to bring someone that had escaped in handcuffs. Without acknowledging that they may have been distracted and left him unsupervised. He brought him back. Obviously John Kill is not completely intact with the MOTD, and no one really is. I think this should be a verbal warning I think it was a honest mistake and nothing malicious.
  7. You have 40+ warns wich means you can be banned. SMT please view this.
  8. This isnt a court of law. This isnt a prosecution. This is not happening infront of a jury. This not happening within the right of due process of law. A private company owns this server and anyone on the server does not necessarily in this situation be entitled to due process of law during a ban appeal, nor do they get access to the narrative "innocent until proven guilty". During a ban appeal, players must give their opinions, weather it be speculation, we need these kind of posts to bring the attention of our suspicions to SMT, they make the final decision. I also stated if it was not a alt account, its a +Support from me.
  9. I am new to the community and I am basing my opinion off of the obvious positive feedback and responses from fellow community members, I am going to +Support Active Long time member Friendly Mature
  10. This seems very suspicious, you say your his friend and you play Gaminglight. This is your first post, and your account was created at the time this was posted. If SMT could look a bit closer into this to see if this could be a alt account. If it isnt, then I would agree with them. Im a bit new to the community and from what I see here, second chances are always welcome to long term bans and people who seem sincere.
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