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Everything posted by JackOG

  1. As I dont know who Smoke is, what his tendencies are when he uses alternative accounts, I cannot make a solid judgement here but what I can do is state that with what Calamity has posted as his reasons for banning this player seems a bit short of what is needed to issue such a punishment. I believe this should be looked into more and taken into account that your reasons for banning him is that he minged and then knew the rules, which is common for any minge really. If someone is new and breaks rules that is common, but when they know the rules it just makes them look like a minge to me, not a alt account. I think this was a permature judgement and no concrete fact can be brought to light to support the idea that he is a alt account. With this said im leaning to a -Support as this should be looked into to find a more clear understanding of the situations entirety.
  2. We have a issue with government not valuing hostages life and feeling like they can just shoot criminals and rush into bank raids with absolutely no value for RP or anyones life. Shit makes no sense to me.
  3. So you use the equivalent of you telling a Moderator that they cant roleplay anymore, yet it says explicitly that as long as ratio is filled you don't have to get on staff, thats what we signed up for to a Manager not taking 10-15 more seconds to add a reason to the already copyed and pasted denial reason, something as simple as "it causes more lag" "wont benefit the server", so we actually know why and someone doesnt make another post similar to it. While I do not mean to be disrespectful in saying this, if you cant do that im sure that there are super admins or other higher staff members that would do anything to have the opportunity to do what you do, and more. I thank you for your contribution to the server, but this should be accepted and I believe that a hair more of effort would not be such a problem. What I believe I am saying is the objective fact in the situation and I should be punished.
  4. Reed family let me know when your on ill bless you with money and guns
  5. @Ryan The Epic Guy you have to look at the context of the situation, here he was obviously using the term "faggot" in a derogatory context. The first definition is "a male homosexual" the second definiton is "a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel." A 5th grader could use context clues to decipher the meaning faggot in this scenario Also Ryan, it doesnt matter if he is being targeted while those people should be punished it does not allow him to break rules and use homophobic terms and diss players. If I said that I was being targeted and MassRDMd would it be ok? No it would not. Ryan please think about what you post before you post it.
  6. I dont think there is a problem with someone waiting a fair amount of time and making another ban appeal.
  7. I completely understand. I know what he meant by saying "who are you" I just said it was disrespectful by the way he worded it. Im just glad I have enough of a brain to be able to break down the sentence that you posted. Next time you make a sentence, make sure you know how to properly structure it. "you don't understand, he means he isn't well known in the community not exactly will doesn't know him just not persay everyone knows him well enough to be staff, as well will is a major. It is not his police department." 1. I didnt literally mean Will owns the police department he is command in it and should be active enough to know someone that has been promoted various times and allegedly rode along with him. 2. I was the subject as the sentence started and the shift between me to Will as the subject was nonexistent and made the sentence unreadable. I know they teach you about subject and predicate as well as structuring your compound/complex sentences in your grade so you should know this.
  8. @Will (WTLM2013) thats fucked how are you gonna say "who are you" to someone who is a corporal in your own police department. Maybe if you were as active as you present yourself to be you would know him.
  9. While I think he did break a rule I believe Mikey to be a dedicated staff member and a hardworking department head. His intentions were not malicious when he did this. I think he needs to be cut some slack.
  10. -Support The thing is, while I value Mikey's opinion highly and dont think he would be bias, we cant exactly use that as a argue point in this. Mikey is the head of the family that you have been in a great while, and I believe you two to be friends. I was fortunate enough to witness this. A guy was in a traffic stop being pulled over, the owner of the vehicle was in the passenger seat of the car and the officer was at the drivers door. Yobo then adverted got in the car and drove away. I would have made this warn and I believe that most any other staff member that looked at the situation from a impartial standpoint would have made the same decision. You doing this is unrealistic, and obviously trying to a bait officers reaction. I also dont see any RP at all in this scenario.
  11. I dont think this video is clear enough to make a decision. It could be have been a simple, legal shooting window. With the gas and most of the props being black, along with your recoil it makes it hard to determine.
  12. Sorry Correction: I do not think the rule should be added as it is crucial in making it at least close to being fair between government and criminals.
  13. +Support There is a warn and punishment based system on the discord. You should not have been warned in game for a discord offense. There is no such thing as "FailRP on Discord".
  14. -Support I, for one, believe that the rule is completely fine and balancing. Government has the numbers, gas, shield, guns, and much more. I believe the removal of this rule helped to balance the raiding scale. I do not think it should be removed as it is crucial in making it at least close to being fair between government and criminals.
  15. +Support Way more convientent and realistic then handcuffing someone to see if they have guns If for some reason it would cause the server lag or any other kinds of issues, I believe it should be accepted
  16. Please use correct format
  17. +Support I think this a great, realistic idea. Example: Crips Own Subs and Bloods own Motels Of course I think since a broad location would make the most sense, there would need to be some sort of conflict to happen before shooting on sight (series of adverts etc. | Maybe a given time of 5 minutes to leave)
  18. The things that we ask for and require for our staff applicants is what we need for our server to operate fairly and according as planned. It is necessary for our staff members to be completely qualified, when we leave "hurtful" things we dont mean to bring people down, but to bring possible errors to light. We do this so that you understand, and if you get denied, you can correct your errors in a new application later down the road.
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