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Everything posted by Will

  1. The period at the end did it for me, I'm in tears just from reading it.
  2. +Support Player has already been banned for 1 month, however I suggest SMT look into a longer ban/ extension if they feel it is necessary.
  3. Will

    911 Calls - Denied

    +/-Support I like the idea, but we wouldn't be able to see where the location of the caller is (to be able to route units there) and the /911 command would not work if there is no dispatch online (it'd come up with the "Sorry, no officers are online right now" message which is already annoying as is).
  4. Will

    Will's LOA

    In-Game Name: Will Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Rank: Corporal Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): about 2 weeks from today Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): going down to the beach to spend time with family. I'll still attend meetings and stuff, just won't be in game.
  5. Sorry Tayson, but I'm in the same boat as max here, you gotta pick up your activity a bit more.
  6. -Support I get that the whole "when can staff use physgun off duty" post says that they can only use it on their own car and what not, but a strike or demotion is not necessary. Perhaps a verbal warning/ no punishment would work, but it is up to SMT.
  7. +Support Warning admin says it should be removed
  8. Thanks for everything Rocco and make sure to come and visit us every once in awhile .
  9. Will

    Hummer ascending

  10. +Support I already enforce it as failrp, would be nice if it's added/ clarified to the motd
  11. +Support Forgot to check chat, said he had to leave.
  12. Will

    False Ban

    -Support Already denied
  13. @Snarlax took me awhile to find it in my history. Frog was the person who uploaded it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1rrLQZcyBg
  14. -Support @frog milk brought it to my attention that you had copyrighted one of his videos after it was used to get you warned for Player Disrespect. Since I was the person that handled that sit, Frog wanted to approach me on the matter which I looked into the issue and decided to warn/ ban you for 2 weeks. About an hour ago from now, I noticed you were on the server which I looked into the issue more in depth which I found the ban I had issued earlier in the day was not on your profile. Because of that, I decided to reban you for the original 2 weeks. You can check the ban panel and search "Lil_Antibiotic" which you'll find 2 bans that were issued today.
  15. -Support You can not protest in the server and even made comments related to the incident around George Floyd. Ban is justified in my mind.
  16. -Support Not gonna lie, but you brought this upon yourself..
  17. +Support + Active + Mature + Willing to help other staff and players + Decent application The only thing I caught in this app that is off is that you put me at "[GL] Will" which is Sanchez while I am "[GL] WTLM2013", but in all honesty no one cares about that. Good luck Keuka
  18. -Support - Not sure who you are (I typically remember people's names when I hear them, but can't remember who you are however.) - Application could be worked on (grammar, punctuation, etc) - Forums activity could improve
  19. Couldn't have said it better than how Duncan put it, work on that forum's activity! Good luck Wolf!
  20. This is a false warn appeal, wrong section... +Support Both Max and myself reviewed this sit in game (he warned them all before I got there) and after watching the video that was provided I came to the conclusion that a formal warning was not needed. In the video, it shows he did broke FearRP momentarily, however he decided to put the gun away after he realized that he did break it. I don't think any action should be taken against Max (or Otis), but rather a removal of the warning should suffice. In terms of the staff report, -Support
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