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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Hope is very active and I see him on a lot, I see him active in OOC, and when I speak to him he is a very nice person and chill would be great for staff!
  2. +Support From the day I met this man he was a hard working guy, that didn't give up on his work that he was doing. He is very active, and I see him constantly around the community.
  3. - Support Also not very active within the forums only 10 posts, and very far spread out. Try to get your name around a little more.
  4. ^^^^ I am on somtimes late at night, but this man due to his time zone seems like he is always on. He is very active, and will do well I think in my eyes.
  5. It can help everyone out.
  6. '-' MY EYES!!!!! +Support for reasons above.
  7. +/- support for what was said above.
  8. I like the idea, but I there is another map update in consideration to add a new hallway and it is possible that 173 may move there.
  9. Curtis

    Scp-2774 - Denied

    All said her again.
  10. -Support If there is enough D Class you will have the upper advantage, I have had it several times, one person can't do it by themselves. gotta go in groups.
  11. I am going to do a +/- Support, because I feel as if for some people they afk for a short period of time because it takes them a while to actually log into the server sometimes 15 to 20 mins. I like the idea, but it can cause lose of player count.
  12. +/- Support for reasons above.
  13. - Support, There was just recently a new MTF Branch kinda. it was a few months ago, but yes we do need to make sure things are stable on the server before adding a new branch.
  14. It can cause lag, but it is a fun thing to have on the server, we did have something like this before, but it did cause lag and we had to remove it.
  15. I know in MTF branches we don't have as many people I think it would be best in huge branches such as security. I know in MTF if you are active you get noticed and things. but if this was for Gensec +Support, not sure about a server wide on it.
  16. -Support They are custom for a reason id say, that is why they are called Custom Classes you pay for what you want, with the spread of options the server has, I feel like this would restrict more things.
  17. +Support, there are little to none SCPs that don't have a keycard to get into it.
  18. +Support, I feel like this can replace the area of utility bunks, but I think if they are going to introduce new SCPs, they will slowly do it, so they don't do a huge major update that would make some things less active, so a slow introduction to things would be better.
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