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Da da da

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Da da da last won the day on July 9 2020

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  1. Ah yes a transport helicopter that travels about 100 metres before i's forced to land, overall flight time - 10 seconds -support
  2. +support But if a literally chess game is enough for people to say "it makes the server way more fun" then I am concerned on how the server is actually doing...
  3. So I've seen a constant flow of posts of the years about the servers state in terms of actual RP and Seriousness, and now that we have finally reached the rock bottom where no RP actually happens anymore and all the server consists of is the following: D class sololing D class with the new deluxe golden testicle swep Every single branch using PVP to combat boredom including non combatants RP tumble weeds When is this seriousness / return to RP happening? It's a genuine question because it's not like an improvement has actually happened and any time you try and get into a bit of seriousness you got CMDR Deez nutz code name UWU furry lover spamming nightcore until you're eyes bleed being followed by a band of his lower ranking peers leaching for a promotion. So yeah? Seriousness and actual RP when? Even the minimum escorting a researcher has vanished
  4. +/- Fires only the exact amount of shots needed to kill while automatic and no more which is sus Also this little screeny is a big wtf moment?? Either the servers got issues still or this guy is shooting no where near him and landing the shots and you can clearly see there is no one in sight to even shoot him???
  5. +support would prefer if both mark 2 and mark 1 got that model as its so much better than the ODST
  6. +support Looks much better
  7. -support My screen has enough shit on it thanks
  8. Name: Japan Rank: 1LT SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197178742 Reason for leaving: A few reasons but mainly my line of work in the military getting in the way and an overall quick burnout. Unfortunately it seems this might be my final resignation from Nu7, I thought hard but I don't think MTF is for me anymore. But at the moment I have no intention of joining any other branch or even getting on the server. I'll especially miss the buys in HSU / HTF. It was honestly amazing to be the first person picked for HSU and then to come back a time later and become for first Mark 2 to be chosen too. Thank you to the people who supported me in my nearly 2 years being in and out of Nu7. I wish I could have been apart of it without resigning at all but ya know. Work is work. Cya boys
  9. Single handedly kills all of Gensec, first thing CI CCs swap to when out of ammo or for some it's their first choice. A golf club should not do my damage than every single gun on the server. +support
  10. +support A CI raid happened yesterday which thanks to the change was broken, golden golf clubs and HP differences should be be able to destroy all of MTF. This change from a full day of playing caused from what I can tell some of the worst experience for players. I enacted my reserves yesterday just after the change and have never heard so many complaints from all sides, a change like this doesn't need time, its an instant change which has instantly shown its flaws, I personally did not enact my reserves to be beaten to death with golden golf clubs in a CI raid because somehow the weapon is more common then a kitchen knife and does more damage then a fucking bullet. Snipers are useless, shotguns are now also useless and medium range weapons may as well not exist. 8 shots of a nova at point blank on a not moving target is disgusting, 6 headshots with an AWP is just as bad. Combat shouldn't be so slow and unbalanced. I really feel that this server needs some inspiration from how FPS games succeed. If anything the issue here is that damage was lowered 40% which makes gun fights 40% longer, however HP levels were brought down by about 5% for some classes and for classes like operative / base faction class by about 30%... These changes need to be reverted and a serious change with community feedback, and oversight needs to be made. One of my biggest issues with this change was that it affects literally all players on the server, even SCPs. Yet only high command get the news before it happened? The average player was not informed and a decision was left up to be made by people out of their line of communication.
  11. Oh boo hoo now that things aren't going in the same peoples favour like they have for the past year straight its time for a player report - love japan EDIT: This servers community has become so politically correct that jokes or saying "fuck off" will land u a ban for disrespect, maybe get over a few hurt feelings for once.
  12. Da da da

    An apology.

    It’s gmod no one gives a fuck it’s concerning you even want to apologise at all to a gmod community... - Japan or something idk
  13. +1 took the time to make an app when was clearly not needed with tryouts existing. Clearly shows qualities wanted by Nu7. - Nu7 CPT Japan
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