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Everything posted by Gh0pit

  1. smh the e11 cmdr cycle continues, bye Jay! Will miss you!
  2. To offer my COL reserves opinion, it sucks that I can't come back into a HCMD position right away but its only one rank away at least. It wouldn't be too hard to earn HCMD again with a good reputation and activity. (It is still a smack to the face for everyone who resigned back then and Rang's colorful opinion really cements my feelings on the treatment of said reserves i.e. the lack thereof) However, I'm just glad I have them at least. It's better than starting over. I know this comes from a good place Mike but it ain't worth it imo. -support
  3. You made me proud Zeus, you've always made me proud.
  4. this suggestion is gonna get spicy, +support, i remember back in the day mtf couldnt go into d block at all on defcon 4/5.
  5. this is a hard one to decide honestly, +/- support. I don't think theres proof enough to say hes trying to crash the server which in my opinion means that this shouldn't warrant a perma ban. 6 months outta do it?
  6. the titanfall pistols are only good against gensec, the falcon pistol can maybe blindside one person. Honestly, its a tossup. Wingman does more damage with less capacity, the auto pistol does the most overall with the biggest clip but its slow to fire/hard to handle, and the hammond is a good allrounder. its personal preference.
  8. Damn bro, you were one of the good ones. MTF suffering a big loss. Keep doing amazing things.
  9. Hey guys, gonna make this short but online college seemed like the perfect time to grind out gmod but I've been finding less motivation lately so I'm gonna work on my studies. Thank you so much for letting me into Delta Command, I really appreciate the thought behind it and I wish I could have made you guys more proud. Literally you're all my bros so I'm not gonna do the thank you list. Ill still be around on my CC's to raid occasionally. Miss y'all. -Gh0pit/Mason
  10. If any of your fellow personnel asks anything about Site-05: Site 05 does not exist. . . . Site 05 does not exist. . . . He does not exist. They do not exist.
  11. I'm playing the server on vrmod 24/7 if this gets added. Will it? Probably not. +support
  12. Name: Mason Rank: 2LT Discord: @Gh0pit#5822 Activity: 6/10 Ideas for CI: N/A How do you think you're doing? What you think you can work on?{Command only}: Upping my activity once I get more settled into my courses, also server has bummed me out so eh.
  13. I miss him so much one of the most loyal guys around
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