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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. There is a rule stating that crabs have to spend some time in water after escaping so this needs to be clearly stated as the exception
  2. BadAim


    -Support Doesn't look like you put an ounce of effort into this application
  3. Perhaps the skin could be given to staff off duty to show appreciation for the work they do? (I dont play on PRP so IDK how it would work)
  4. The test may be invalid but it will go down in history
  5. -support I recommend you spend more time interacting with the community so we have a better idea of what you are like so we can make a better decision (also you havent yet but since this is a reoccurring theme ive noticed with Tmod apps im just putting it out there DO NOT REPLY TO YOUR APP)
  6. This is janitorial not technical
  7. +/- support +Past experience in CI on other servers and command experience - Low quality Application, there is a good amount of spelling errors and grammatical issues
  8. +Support for a verbal, a strike is too far
  9. A surprise to be sure, be a welcome one
  10. Hello Igneous/Th3, As of recent the trash bags that the trash collector creates havent been moveable, staying wherever they were created. Hope to hear from you soon, -BadAim
  11. +/- support + you should have known the rule, and it gives the server a bad look if you dont know rules as a staff member - this seems like an honest mistake EDIT: Changing this to a +support as it seems like jakub is advertising this to past members of the community
  12. So we can deal with mingey janitorial members
  13. This is a janitorial roll call b
  14. In-Game Name: BadAim Current Rank: Janitorial Manager Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good): 10 Are there any changes you wish to see, if so please say: To be paid
  15. What you want to see? - Removal of the invisible pods in medbay Why should we remove it? - they constantly get people stuck and only really serve the purpose of making people visibly lay down which could easily be RPed by typing /me lays down and alt E sitting What are the advantages of removing this? - Gives staff and medical one less thing to worry about Who is it mainly for? - all foundation and staff
  16. Gensec has a class per rank wym NIMO
  17. Staff and ET do this on accident all the time, mainly someone just points it out and the ET ungods/uncloaks the player
  18. +Support and if you need someone for hotshot HMU
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