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Everything posted by Sion

  1. Name : Sion Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:161096629 How old are you? : 14 going 15 September Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Senior Moderator Have you Donated? If so, how much? : 50 USD How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : 2 Months and 3 days What is your general knowledge on the rules? : Between Average and Above Average What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : If I'm accepted into the team I can bring many different elements to the event team. Firstly, I'm very active and dedicated to my work. I try my best to be as active as I can on the server. Im in UK so for some it might seem as I'm not that active but I'm on the server for at least 10 hours per day (on weekends when I'm home). I will also bring a element of creativity to the events (this being events ideas). For about 2 weeks I've been thinking of different events that could be done. And now with a new map the sky is the limit. Some of my ideas are: Hide and seek, bumper cars, at car standing, manhunt, Build off, President token hostage. Terror attack (yes I realise this might offend people but it would been very limited to what the actions are). Another reason I want to join is because of the experience the team gains. Over the lat week I helped out the event team with their events How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 0. Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : I want to join the even team because I want to guarantee a fun and unforgeable experience on the server. I also want to help other members of the team to pull off these events and to guarantee a high repetition amongst us. Another reason why I want to join Is because I've been in GL for 2 months ish and I've only seen 5-10 events and this is because of time zone. (Im UK) So I want to try spread out events and have some for people in EU but also in US times. I joined staff so I could build a online family if you would like and to have something to do when I'm bored, and it the same case here. I would always have something to do and something that I would be apart of. Final reason why I want to join is because I want everyone on the server from players with 13 weeks playtime to 1 second to feel happy and that they finaly have a server that they can depend on to give them something to do! (Sorry if the last part is a bit confusing, I wrote it at 4am with 0 sleep)
  2. @Alton His warns actually have glitches out. I had to count them once
  3. -support Staff on multiple servers/communities Last question is wrong in some parts Forums activity is low Your PD rank has nothing to do with staff Advertised a discord server in application Sorry Will but I had to give you a -support for the reasons above. Yes you are active and mature but to me it looks like you haven't looked at the staff handbook. Good luck ~ Sion
  4. +support 5k isn't much use now
  5. Im not gonna question whats 'bonding' is tonyou Steve but it.....
  6. Not going to question your steam name...
  7. @ExoTic Maddog Please only reply with a + or a - support. Igbyou disagree with someone contact them via forums dm
  8. +support Realised he was in the wrong Didn't mean to crash server Seems like a guy that wouldn't crash a server on purpose
  9. +support Had no valid reasson to ask for ID didnt have reasson to taser If he did reach for a gun you tazer rushed him so....
  10. Sorry to break it to ya but someone did this Sunday
  11. Sion

    Money for ranks.

    The current DOC Warden. (Super admin)
  12. Sion

    Money for ranks.

    Change that to a clean wetwpie and ill chuck Jeff's skull into the mix
  13. Sion

    gamik mug

    Would it be a shame if someone, I don't know Mug gamik back...
  14. Sion

    Money for ranks.

    Ill give you my used wetwipe for DOC Warden
  15. +support Mature Seems fit Seems friendly (You just need to add a poll and try get forums activity up) Good luck ~ Sion
  16. +support It was painful We had 3 families spawn in silos and 1 family had 5 silos... With only 1 swat 1 tac and 1 SS it was impossible
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