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Everything posted by Bor

  1. Name: Boris Rank: CPT Why should you retain your current rank? (SGT+ must answer this): I'm respectful and mature. Any Concerns?: Me wanting the Rank for being in TS to be lowered to SO
  2. Bor

    Random Thoughts

    Your not wrong.
  3. I think this sums it up.
  4. Why, Stop it. Jeff, You were a amzing DHOR.
  5. Cool, Also be careful, People do check for post spam.
  6. Not sure if this is even possible to fix, But when you throw the trench knife and keep it in throwing mode, And unequip/Go to a different SLOT, When you look back at the trench knife it's gone, You have to turn off the throw mode to stop this. Proof:
  7. I don't really get them mixed up because one of them has a sniper, While the other one is in the training room, or Minging.
  8. As soon as a administered the warn I realized I deeply messed up, I shouldn't of took my own sit, I should of called another staff team member to deal with it. The evidence I gave hoovy about the incident, I said in there if you were to appeal it I would +Support it due to me being reckless and stupid with the actions I performed.
  9. Bor

    Emoo's Resignation

    Rip Emoo, Your a great person, Hope to see you around man.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My goodness.
  11. Put this in Custom Jobs please.
  12. +Support From my interactions with being on the surface, It seems quite boring. You have to wait until Defcon 3, I think this is a great idea, The restrictions would be decided by their high command.
  13. -Support Follow the format Topic Title Admin's Name - False Warn Report Questions Your In-game: Your SteamID: The admin's name in-game: The admin's steam name (If you know it): What warning did you receive: Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: Any extra information:
  14. +/- + Good Guy. Good Personality Fun Person. - The stuff you did when you were first T-MOD was honestly really bad, I'm not exactly sure if you should be able to get a early staff restriction lifted, A Shortend one maybe. If you have any questions regarding this, Please feel free to contact me on. Forums, TS, Or Discord. Your one and only - Boris Btw Baldur is Ajax.
  15. John Wheesly is fit for event team, I think, If he read more about lore, He could really make, Amazing Lore events.
  16. Name: Boris Rank: 1LT Why should you retain your current rank? (SGT+ must answer this): The reason I should keep my current rank is because, My devotion and commitment to the server and Gensec, I put all my effort into my job and help gensec as much as I can. Any Concerns?: Not at the current moment.
  17. Bor

    Bonk's Behaviour

    https://imgur.com/a/cFVVRZk We talked about this Bonk. Look on the right side off the picture to see, Idk how to use snipping tool.
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